“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the LOVE of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39

We as a group have been called to Mostar Bosnia-Herzegovina for so many reasons but at the top of the list is to speak to the hearts and minds of these eight followers of Christ. What you see hear are children of God who are on fire for the Lord.

We all knew that we were supposed to spend as much time as we could with a missionary named Brooks. The Lord is around him and He is touching the lives that he is discipling. Amongst these are many teenagers that are truly on fire for the Lord. They are urning for more of God and less of themselves.

We have all seen this and have been able to assist Brookes in the discipleship and edification process. This evening was a way to assist in that. We were able to serve our brothers and sisters as Christ would have led us. We laughed, we taught, we ate, we drank, we studied, and we prayed together as one in the body of Christ.


The group that we have become a part of is leaving to go to the states and then off to Ecuador on a short term missions-trip. This is one of the groups that is going to make an impact in Mostar Bosnia-Herzegovina. They are the up and coming generation that is going to show the love of Christ and bring light into darkness.

We praise God for the time that we have been able to share with our brother and sisters. We ask our Father in Heaven to bless the remaining eight days that we have with them. We ask that He would speak directly through us to their hearts and their minds. We love you so much Jesus.