Team Buddhist Temple thought that it was on our hearts to touch the lives that have become so close to us in our town by taking them out for dinner and a show. We had found a Thai church that gave us Thai/English bibles so we thought that we would give them as gifts to our newfound friends EAT, Chai, Shy & JIK (these are their American nicknames).

We met our friends at their restaurant at 5:00pm to give them our gifts and truly just love on them and have fun with them. We gave them the bibles and EAT was so excited for the gift that she started reading it in the restaurant. We could feel the Holy Spirit working so much in each of their lives and also by just watching our actions in what we did.

After the giving of the gifts we headed off to a dinner on the beach. JIK ordered the meal as customary and we enjoyed the beautiful sunset together while laughing and reflecting on the memories that we had made together.

When dinner came to an end, we headed off to a traditional Thai show called FantaSea. This was a major tourist attraction and was truly a time of fellowship, bonding, laughing, playing, eating and lots of pictures.

We are so fortunate to have met these wonderful friends. They are a part of our lives now and they will forever be on our hearts. Although they are currently Buddhist, we know that Jesus used us for something huge in their lives. They could not understand why we were not like most of the tourists that come to Phuket for the drinking, the women and all the other stuff that tourists are stereotyped for. We praise God for shining through us and for touching their lives.

We have found out that there is actually a cell group of Christians that is right near EAT and Chai’s restaurant and they are going to continue to follow up on them. This was an answer to prayer for us and we know that God will continue to follow up on the work that He has started through us. Thank you Father.