The Blue team would like to give a big thank you to our Lord Jesus Christ for making this Uganda leg happen for us. We had no idea what to expect and He sure took us for a ride.

When we found out our ministry and experienced the first couple of days, we knew that we couldn’t do this without the help of our Father. He continued to rally our energy and give us the strength that we needed to make it through the long and very spiritual days.

Our primary ministry was to plant three churches, one per week, while we were here. Well, the Lord did that without a problem. We focused on door to door (village to village) ministry, preaching the gospel with open airs throughout the day. Chad and Sarah did most of the preaching (Casey did a few days as well) as Casey and Cathy covered everything in prayer. For at least three days out of the week we would do that for the entire day. On the other days we would preach for half of the day and then host a seminar at the church that we were working with. Chad and Casey would speak on sin and the Ten Commandments working with the adults, Sarah would speak on teenage subjects to the teens and Cathy was with the kids.

In total we planted three churches and assisted three other churches in open air evangelism. In the nearly three weeks that we have been here, we have recorded 473 people that have accepted Jesus Christ into their hearts. This number is not including so many children under the age of 12 that accepted Jesus into their hearts. We have literally been blown out of the water with the work that the Lord is doing in Uganda.

The most amazing part that we got to take part in was following up with the very first church that we planted. To our amazement, there are already over a hundred people that are attending the church. We were able to preach, pray and praise with the first church that we started with. We will all never forget it.

To top things off, the Lord prepared that our entire team speak to 16 of the local pastors. We led a pastor conference!! We spoke on Prayer, Follow-up, Counseling and Deliverance.

We have been so humbled with the work that the Lord has given while being in Uganda. We praise God for everything and acknowledge that we would not have been able to do a thing without the complete assistance of the Holy Spirit.

Praise Jesus Christ.