When I tell people I am going on the race they usually respond with “Wow, that’s going to be an amazing experience! What countries are you going to?” There is absolutely nothing wrong with this response. The truth is, due to limited time it’s my response that is lacking. I usually end up saying, “Yeah, It will be! I’m going to Mozambique, Swaziland, Madagascar, Mongolia, China, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and El Salvador.” Depending on who I’m speaking to, I sometimes cringe on the inside while I spew through the countries because I’m afraid people will get the wrong idea. The words below are what I wish I could condense into a one-sentence response, but can’t. 

1. I’m not going on The World Race to fill my passport up with stamps.

Yes, I love traveling and I can’t wait to try new foods, experience different cultures, and see God’s creation throughout the world, but that’s not the reason I’m going.   If you don’t know already, The World Race is more than a mission trip. It is also a unique discipleship program that stretches participants in a lot of areas of their life causing them to grow spiritually. I see 11 countries as not only 11 places I can share the gospel, but also as 11 different places God can use to teach me more about Him.

2. I’m not going on The World Race to meet new friends.

I honestly can’t wait to meet my squad. From what I see on Facebook they are pretty great! But, what excites me more than spending a year with them is the community we will build. The word “invest” has been on my mind a lot lately. I want to invest in my teammates and the people we meet. The World Race encourages vulnerability, asking the hard questions, challenging one another, and uplifting each other. A tight community looks like one beautiful mess. Picture everyone’s baggage, fears, faults, and shortcomings laid out on a table. But, that’s not where it ends. Now picture everyone’s strengths, talents, love and wisdom overpowering the mess. God wants us to live in community. When we are truly known by others and are still loved by those same people who know about our deepest darkest secret, that is God’s love in us. The devil looses power in community. He can no longer convince the girl by saying, “You won’t be loved if they knew _________blank.” or the guy by saying, “You are alone in your feeling of _______blank.” because a good community is loving, speaks God’s truth, and remindes you that you aren’t alone.    

3. I’m not going on The World Race to escape real life.

News Flash. The World Race is still real life. Just because I won’t have a paying job for a year doesn’t mean I wont be working. I know this is super cheesy, but as children of God we are always on the clock. We don’t put in only 40 hours a week as Christians and we sure as jam don’t put in overtime (I totally made up that “sure as jam” phrase haha its not a thing…yet). Anyway, this year is an opportunity to fully focus and give my time to whatever God desires me to do. That is my 24/7 “job”.

4. I’m not going on The World Race because I think I can change the world.  

I can’t change the world. God can, but I can’t. If there is one thing I want people to know about me, it’s that I am not someone special. Going on this trip doesn’t make me a 5-star Christian. We are all supposed to be obedient to what God wants us to do. Me being obedient by going on The World Race is the same as someone else being obedient by serving their local community. I also want people to know that I am not the one giving hope to the widow or bringing joy to the people I meet. That’s all God.

5. I’m not going on The World Race to stay the same person.

My desire is to use this time to grow. Grow in faith. Grow in love.   Grow in strength. Grow in compassion. Grow in Christ. Grow in scripture. Grow in understanding. Grow in bravery. Grow in boldness. Grow in prayer. My desire is to be more Christ-like when I return. That is the change I want.

6. I’m not going on The World Race to learn new things, then come home and not put them to use.

This is pretty self-explanatory. I know this experience will teach me many lessons and skills. I plan on implementing what I’ve learned into my everyday life and community when I get back.


I hope this post gave you a better understand of why I’m actually going on The World Race!


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