This is our 2nd WR America van in my driveway. I know WR America has been a program for almost 2 years now, but I still have moments where I have to pinch myself like we are REALLY doing this!


When God birthed the thought in my mind of WR America on Nov 29, 2016….I had no idea He was preparing for 2020. He was preparing for a time when every squad would be in America. He was preparing for something that has never happened.

He was preparing for revival in America. He was having tracks laid for Him to drive us around this nation bringing the hope and message of Jesus.

We can always trust God when He births an idea in our minds.


Tomorrow, three Racers from B squad (my early-returned international squad that had only been out for 2 months 4 days when they got pulled from the field) are meeting me in Georgia so we can ROAD trip for 3 days to Colorado to meet up with the rest of B squad.


All of B squad decided to stay together and serve in America together on WR America until the end of November. They are finishing their Race….with a slightly HUGE route change.


I plan to share the gospel all along the way as we go. I have Bibles and tracts ready to go right next to the driver’s seat. 


Please pray for us as we head out. 


Thankful the Center for Disease Control recognizes the current state of our country. I pray that posture would be one that is willing to repent and surrender their lives to the only Healer, the only One who can cure them.