I love how Jesus prepared us in John 10.


This is my takeaway:


If your “shepherd” is trying to come in by another door than the way Jesus, the Good Shepherd is coming in….then they are a thief and a robber.


Plain and simple.


It’s not “Your truth is your truth, your way is okay, whatever goes”….instead it’s One Way, One door. If they are making up their own door, own way, run for the hills.


The sheep follow the Shepherd because they know His voice.


They will NOT follow a stranger, but will run away from him….that reminds me of my very first encounter with Progressive Christianity. I knew it was off as soon as I heard it. I didn’t even know it was called “Progressive Christianity.” But my gut was RUN! This isn’t truth.


All who came before Me [as false messiahs and self-appointed leaders] are thieves and robbers, but the [true] sheep did not hear them.” John 10:8


True sheep don’t listen to intruders. They know the difference.


The thief comes ONLY to steal and kill and destroy. That’s his plan.


If your “shepherd” is trying to take something from you,

kill something that is alive

or destroy…that’s not Jesus, the good Shepherd.


And this is how you will know. The good Shepherd isn’t trying to preserve His life. He is laying it down for the sheep.  


The “shepherd” who is hired, doing it for money, when he sees the wolf coming after the sheep is outta there. He deserts the flocks and runs away because he doesn’t care for the safety of the sheep.


Are you a shepherd that gets in the arena for your sheep

and goes after the wolves or are you running from the wolves?


Your motive for why you do what you do will show when the wolf shows up.


And of course, after Jesus brings truth, a division occurred again, people call Him crazy, demon possessed and question “Why listen to Him?” (John 10:8)


Listening to God’s voice has been questioned since Genesis 3.

Don’t get shaken by man’s reaction.


Our true sheep-ness shows in how we listen and follow the True Shepherd.


The truth divides. You will get called crazy. And you will be encouraged to not listen to the One who is Truth. It’s the upside down Kingdom we are a part of. It’s fine. Just keep following the voice of the Shepherd who laid down His life for you.

The world, the hired hand, is offering “unity” based on deception, murder and defiance to God and His ways and calling you divisive, looney tunes and hateful.

Remember, they are here to kill, steal and destroy. Don’t let them do it. Live in the abundant life He promised. And tune your ear to the One who truly cares for you.