I worked as a nurse in a hospital setting and of course shared Jesus with my patients.


I remember one time, my patient was dying, so I shared the gospel with him.


Soon after, I was called into the manager’s office and told I could be fired for sharing the gospel with patients.


In America.


I assured my manager that they could fire me.


They didn’t fire me.


Later, this manager called me back into the office and apologized to me for telling me not to share the gospel. She informed me that her and her husband had since became Christians. They eventually became supporters in my ministry.


There are things you submit to in our world and the gospel is one unwavering stance we can take against any authority. Here it is okay to break the “rules.”


When it comes to the gospel of Jesus Christ….I have left it ALL to follow Him and I will continue to leave it all to follow Him.


I submit to the Lordship of Jesus and honor His unconditional truths. Hell is enough of a reality that I know the urgency of the true gospel no matter the outcomes that I will not be silent.


That patient was enough to lose my job.


And any sheep or potential sheep is always worth it all.