I just got back last night from my trip out to see B squad.


We had such an amazing time as a squad. They will continue to minister in Colorado and then eventually move around the western states sharing Jesus.


We shared the gospel on the way to Colorado and the way back.

My last interaction was with my uber driver on the way back from Atlanta. 


“K” told me she has been an uber driver for 5 1/2 years. She has a full time job and does this also. She said she tries to be home by 7pm on Sundays to get ready to start her work week.


Money wasn’t the issue….she said she just likes to stay busy. That, to me, seemed like she didn’t enjoy sitting with her own thoughts. She told me she loved being around people. I couldn’t tell from our time together that she loved interacting with people….as I had to pull teeth to have a conversation. 


When she finally asked me a question, I was like ‘I’m going to get all I can get out of this question.’ K asked “Do you have kids?”


TT: Well, I used to date drug dealers….then I met Jesus….haven’t dated once since…..He’s everything, etc. I make all my decisions with Jesus, probably like you do with your husband. My favorite part about being a Christian is my relationship with Jesus.


She told me her story throughout our trip as I asked questions.


She was married for 13 years with two children. They “grew apart” and got divorced. At that time they were active in a church where she helped with children’s ministry and a bunch of other stuff she rattled off. When her ex-husband started bringing his new girlfriend to church, the church welcomed his girlfriend in, but they didn’t reach out to her to see if she was okay; not even her choir family she emphasized.


She has never gone back to church since. That was 20 years ago at least.


She went online and met her now husband. They dated for 8 years before getting married. He doesn’t believe in organized religion as he was also had issues in his past with the church.


She told me she kept her faith through it all. 


You could cut the air with a knife after that in her car. It was like she took time to think about quite possibly the most painful thing of her life and she froze.


I asked her if she knew the story of Hagar? She said she hadn’t read the Bible in a long time. I told her the story of Sarah and Abraham promised a baby but weren’t patient. Sarah encouraged Abraham to sleep with his maid. When she, Hagar, got pregnant Sarah shunned her and Hagar fled to the wilderness. There an angel of the Lord appeared to her and Hagar gave God the name “The God who sees.”


I encouraged K that God sees her. I am not sure if she even acknowledged my words but I knew she was listening.


Since she said she still had her faith, I said “So, if you don’t read the Bible, how do you connect with God?” She said she doesn’t even pray but just lets her mind go.


People may wonder why I care about Biblical covenant marriage so much. It’s stories like K’s that have shown me the devastating effects of divorce. How should we respond church? We need to get God’s heart for marriage.



What breaks His heart should break our hearts.



As long as we keep accepting divorce and remarriage….we will see stories like this. As long as we keep celebrating IN THE CHURCH what God didn’t desire, we will have stories like this. 


My stance on Biblical marriage may seem “outdated.” It’s not. I fear this is where we are going as a nation with accepting and affirming homosexuality. Eventually we will probably think it’s atrocious to not celebrate homosexual marriage in the church….just like you may be reading this now and thinking how atrocious it is that I don’t celebrate marriage after divorce.

We can get away from Biblical marriage quickly when the culture in the church starts accepting, affirming and celebrating ways contrary to His ways.