I am flying up to Wisconsin today and as you may know….masks are on and we are keeping the distance. This airline does distance but on the last flight I was on, a few weeks ago, we were packed in like sardines.


Either way, as we waited to board and as we boarded, I was on my leadership call with World Race America (B squad) and talking about all tha things publicly. I finish the call once I got to my seat.


A lady turns around from first class to me in economy and said “You said World Race. Are you with the World Race?” 


TT: Yes! Oh my goodness, you know the World Race?

C: Yes, I knew Zion’s cafe. We knew a racer from there.

TT: Oh my gosh, yeah, we were with Zion’s cafe on my Race!


I found out about “C” coming to know the Lord. She told me she was resistant to everything (faith wise), but her mom prayed her in and she experienced the presence of God and got saved. She lived in some kinda “hippy Jesus community” in Thailand, but felt like God called her to return to America pre-COVID.


She talked about the tension of providing security for her 2 girls and wildly following God’s voice. She was probs my age and her husband died from cancer 4 years ago. 


I talked about how God is focusing on America in this time. The real Christians are going to get found out. No more are the days of cultural Christianity in the U.S. of A where you “believe” because your parents are Christian in America. The real Christians will be able to stand. 


So that was my first flight. 2nd one coming and even a third. I hope in our masks and 6 feet we will not be silent about what matters.


I actually am excited for America to not just be culturally Christian. I believe America is about to get worse but there is a remnant where revival will live. The remnant are those who know the truth, hold fast to Jesus no matter what, will walk the narrow road and give it ALL to follow Him on it. They will wildly follow Him whereEVER He goes.