What we focus on will determine our ability to walk in the flesh or the Spirit.


I recently had a dream where I was focusing on “not sinning” in the dream and met a girl who was focused on sharing the gospel and seeing people come to know Jesus.


The Lord showed me that the dream was an encouragement to just focus on seeing His Kingdom come. It seems “good” to focus on not sinning, but if that is what you are looking at….your flesh, it will be hard to not reap from where your focus is sowing.


But if my focus is sowing into the Spirit, I will reap Spirit consequences. (Gal 6:8)


Like today, I went into Kroger for a biometric screening. I saw a girl dressed in hijab taking care of me. I was looking for a doorway in to share with her and asked what she was reading. She showed me, then asked “Do you read?” I said “Yes, I read the Bible just about every day….and I just read ‘Martin Luther’ about the Protestant Reformation.”


Later, while she checked my blood pressure, she said “You are so sweet.” I replied “Jesus did this.” And started to share my story with her. We talked more about the Protestant Reformation and how people weren’t reading their Bibles to know the difference that you don’t have to pay for your sins. That Jesus died for your sins.


“Your B/P is 111/77. Let’s check your waist circumference” she said. That Covid-20+ proof in the the puddin’ moment.


She told me she chose Islam when she was about 13 or 14. She was sitting there thinking “There has to be more.”


And that’s exactly what TT is thinking too!!!!! There is more! So, stayed tuned to what else will happen now that I know “K” works at Kroger.


This year, His theme is “I follow the Lamb wherever He is going.” I gotta have my gaze on Him. 


Have you ever done balancing exercises where you have to try to balance on one leg? The instructor usually says “Focus on one spot.” That is what I sense God is telling me for 2021….just focus on Me….not on where I am taking you….not on how this and that seem so unplanned….just look at Me.


Imagine if the instructor said “Focus on your wobbling leg.”

Nope. Instead she says “Focus on one steady point.”


This balancing and focus in exercise strengthens our core making us less apt to fall. 


When I practice focusing on the Spirit, sowing into the Spirit, following the Lamb, fixing my gaze without distractions and then my flesh, someone else or a demonic spirit try to tip me over, my preparations will pay off and I will be able to stand firm.


Steffany Gretzinger recently said the Lord was showing her in a dream you gotta know when to zoom in and zoom out.


I feel like this is timely for the church. 


It’s good to focus on one thing the Lord is teaching you about, but you gotta know when to zoom out and see the bigger picture. We get stuck in a zoomed in position at times when the Lord has been hollering, “Zoom out! zoom out! See the bigger picture!” We think we’re just zoomed in, but we are actually caught in an undertow.


Last year He told me while on the treadmill (some of my deepest revs are on the treadmill) that I needed to get my “oil ready” in applying for Samaritan’s Purse.


The bridesmaids who had their oil ready where the ones who got to go when the Bridegroom came. (Matt 25: 1-13) This is in the same chapter as the sheep and goats. There is a black and white message here. You are gonna be in or out. Progressive Christians will be shocked to see how not grey it will be.


It’s interesting because I work with disaster relief with Samaritan’s Purse. You gotta be ready to leave at a moment’s notice. No wonder the Lord showed me to have my oil ready in applying. I needed to have everything in place to go at an unknown time.


Being ready takes preparation.


In the last year, if you stopped having discipline on what you ate, you gained 20+ pounds and it showed. If you spent all your time on politics, it showed. If you focused on conspiracy theories, it showed. If you focused on the Word, it showed. 


Zooming in isn’t always bad, just make sure you know when the Author of your faith is calling for aerial view.


We gotta be disciplined in thought, action and intention.


Brides gotta be focused on being ready.

The ones who think they can just run by the store real quick on the way to the wedding will be sad to see their last minute preparation won’t cut it.


I have never met a bride who arrived at the wedding unprepared. 


The thing is, we have no idea when the wedding is. We know its coming. We know we have been in the “last days” for 2,000 years. And He will come when we least expect it, so we gotta be ready. We gotta be focused.


“For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready. …  Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!”  

(Revelation 19:7, 9)