They might not believe in hell.

“Do you think there is a hell?” Rohr says “No, of course not!” 


They might not believe God has wrath

One of Julian’s most radical insights, with which I fully concur,

is that there can be no wrath in God. ”   


They might be focused on true self instead of false self.


Which in the search of self would welcome the Enneagram to help aid in identifying their “true self.”

The Enneagram’s purpose is to help us uncover the traps that keep us from living fully and freely as our True Self so that we will use our unique, authentic gifts for the good of others and the world. 


They might not believe in original sin, but instead focus on original blessing.


They might not believe in substitutionary atonement.

“Jesus never said, “Worship me,” but he often said, “Follow me.” We have wasted a lot of good energy on “vicarious substitutionary atonement theories” and created a punitive and petty God in the process—a “Father God” who was incapable of forgiving “without blood.”6 Is God that unfree? Remember, the ego likes contests of win and lose and cannot even comprehend anything like win-win. Jesus became our substitute in losing, hoping it would let us off the hook, I guess.”
 Richard Rohr, Immortal Diamond: The Search for Our True Self


“At best, the theory of substitutionary atonement has inoculated us against the true effects of the Gospel, causing us to largely “thank” Jesus instead of honestly imitating him. At worst, it led us to see God as a cold, brutal figure, who demands acts of violence before God can love his own creation”
 Richard Rohr, The Universal Christ: How a Forgotten Reality Can Change Everything We See, Hope For and Believe


They might focus on orthopraxy instead of orthodoxy.


They might be okay with homosexuality.

And thus, the bottom line must inescapably be that nowhere does Jesus condemn gays or lesbians (or any other person identified in the diverse range of LGBTQ+), and certainly nowhere does he wish harm upon anyone, even those whom the religious culture is so quick to condemn as sinners. His harsh words are reserved entirely for those whose certainty about their religious rectitude causes them to condemn others. Jesus is all about inclusion, forgiveness, and empowerment.


They might not worship Jesus necessarily, but more so follow His example.


They might make a distinction between Jesus and Christ.


They might think the second coming of Christ is you


They might think all religions are building upon themselves.

 “We got a lot of unlearning to do.” ~Rohr

“You are no longer defining who’s in and who’s out, cuz’ we’re all in.” ~Rohr


Universalism makes evangelism a mute point.
So if evangelism isn’t emphasized, this could be the foundation. ~TT


Jesus is much more concerned about shaking your foundations, giving you an utterly alternative self image, world image, and God image, and thus reframing your entire reality. Mere inspiration can never do this. ~Richard Rohr


I’m finally putting all the pieces together. 2020 was like a puzzle coming together.

When families slow down enough to do puzzles, they can see the whole picture.

And I’m more convinced than ever to stand on the unshakeable foundation of the

Truth of the Word of God and let that define who I am and who He is. ~TT