We will be flying on January 5th from Fort Lauderdale to Lima.  Here’s what you need to know before purchasing your ticket to Fort Lauderdale:

The leaders and treasurers need to arrive by 9:00 am in Fort Lauderdale for training.  We’ll send you an e-mail to confirm.

Everyone else should arrive by 11:00 a.m. to be ready to check in at 1:30 p.m.   We want to allow plenty of time in case of delays.  The flight is at 4:40 p.m. on Spirit Air.

Baggage: 1 free carry-on up to 40 lbs.   They allow a max of 2 checked bags up to 50 lbs each.  Checked bags cost money on this airline!  AIM needs to know in advance whether you will check 1 or 2 bags so we can cover this cost [which is less expensive if we do it in advance].  We recommend that you check 1 bag max.

Remember that your ticket to Fort Lauderdale can be reimbursed if you raise the extra funds.  Please send us your receipt along with all other receipts AND the Expense Reimbursement Form before January 1st.

Seth Barnes and I will be traveling with you.   Please note my cell phone number for the day of travel:  770-842-0194.  I’ll post a meeting place in the Fort Lauderdale airport after Thanksgiving.  I’m looking forward to seeing you all in Fort Lauderdale!!