Guys, first of all: Hello.

I am in charge of spreading the word about
the World Race and since you all have your own networks of supporters,
friends, and family, the easiest way to do this is to ask for your

We believe that the World Race is tapping into a deep spiritual need
that the American church isn’t doing the best job of fulfilling – the
desire for initiation. With that said, we don’t feel like we need to
“sell” any aspect of the trip; rather, we just want to share the story
and see who gets activated.

Will you share the following
websites with your friends and family members? If you’re a member of any of
these communities, please “friend” us. And have your friends “friend”
us. And have your friends’ friends… Well, you get the idea.

We update these sites several times a week and, in
some cases, daily. So it is to your advantage to share these, since you
may not always be in a place to consistently blog or update your
Myspace/Facebook/whatever. We can help keep your networks up-to-date
for you.

Also, I just posted a blog on this, which you can feel free to copy and paste to your own blog. This has the potential to become a movement, and you
can help get the word out. Thanks.


Xanga blog:

Facebook (if this link doesn’t work, search for the World Race group): (You’ll need a facebook ID)
