“David inquired of God….God answered him”

What are some ways in which you have spoken to me in the past?

How have I quenched your Spirit when you wanted to speak to me?

Is there anythign I’m doing now that is quenching your Spirit?

How have I limited the ways in which you’ve desired to speak? How?

What can I do to better hear your voice?

After doing the listening Prayer journal for a week.  I realize how crazy my life can be.  I struggle with just getting things done and have the time for just sitting down.  Plus there are many distractions that come up.  It was interesting to me yesterday becuase I was really struggling because I was scolded by my principal at school here.  It made me feel really horrible.  I could not concentrate on the Listening Prayer, but I did it anyways.  I was having a pity party for myslef.  I prayed that God would just put people in my life to help me out.  I had a friend come by and ask if I wanted to go for a walk that evening.  I even was able to eat with her and her husband.  God placed someone in my life to take me out of my dark place that I was in.  This morning I went to Savery with the same friend and went on a walk.  I was able to just talk to two other people and it helped boost my spirits.  I know that God has spoken to me and that is a great example.  I just have a hard time sitting down and getting to the point that he wants me to be at. 

The thing I really learned from today’s questions was that God has spoken to me through dreams.  I have dreams and forget them.  Later on I will feel like I have done this or that before.  It is reafirming to me that it is what I need to do.  I feel that I quench God’s ability to talk with me by not taking the time and waiting patiently on him.

I was wondering if anyone has a hard time with doing the listening prayer online.  I struggle with this and I at times wonder if maybe we could set up a conference call and discuss it that way.  I feel that it is very impersonal and that way we could keep each other more accountable and invest in each others lives.  It is just a suggestion and I know we are all super busy so it may not work.  Just respond and tell me what you think.