Hey Racers! Here is an email from Clinton on the field as they are trying to get healthy before Africa. File this in your brain somewhere so if you notice these things on the field, you will know what to look for…


I copied this information about parasites.  I would add that we are all more susceptible when our immune systems are lower.  The symptoms seem very much like mild food poisoning or just your basic Montezuma’s Revenge.  If you can rule out food poisoning and if the symptoms persist beyond your normal stomach problems, then I’d suggest going to a clinic and getting the blood/stool sample to make sure you’re not carrying some little nasties with you to Africa. 

Signs & Symptoms

Signs of infection include less conclusive symptoms such as a runny nose, nighttime restlessness and blisters on the lower lip inside the mouth. If you become infected, be prepared for a rough time. Infected individuals may feel bloated, tired and hungry. They may have
, lethargy, fuzzy thinking, headaches and roller coastering blood sugar levels. They may experience restlessness, hair loss,
imbalances and nighttime teeth grinding. One or more symptoms may occur to a greater or lesser degree depending upon the individual.

Especially with heavier infections, intestinal
can also cause symptoms such as:

Work hard; but get some rest if you need it.