Hey everyone! So I work at Chili’s, and starting Thursday night we’re starting this thing called Margarita Madness. I think it’s for about a month, and we have to sell a certain number of margaritas a day, so we have a competition between the servers on how many we sell durring our shift. And  I don’t have any problem with people drinkning if #1 they are of age, and responsible. #2 They don’t drink to get drunk. #3 They don’t drink and drive. #4 They know when to stop.  So anyway, we had a meeting tonight about it and the managers said that if we weren’t selling enough durring our shifts then we have to talk about why we’re not selling them, and they’ll get mad if we’re not selling enough. But I really don’t feel comfortable pushing alcohol on people, and feeling like I HAVE TO sell it. It’s just a moral issue with me, and I’m not sure if I agree with it. I’m probably the only one at work that has a problem with it, and I’m not sure what to do. So if anyone has worked at Chili’s or has had to do anything like this, and has some insight on what to do…please talk to me. I mean, I can’t quit because this is where I make a lot of money, and I can’t give that up right now bc I need it. I want to be the light of Christ to people, but I feel like this compromises it a little bit. Thanks for listening.