Hey ya all! First, I have to say it is soooo cool to relook at the bio pics and actually know you guys personally! For ya all that didn’t make it I am excited to  blog with you and maybe talk with you live(the phone :)) very soon. You were all in our  thoughts and prayers. (Sorry Kyle, I know ya’all isn’t a word-it’s still so darn fun to use 🙂 )

Anyway… I made it home in 12 hours flat! Praise God! And that is pretty much what I did , praised the Lord!  Listened to worship and talked with Him. Man, it was an amazing powerful weekend! I have so much to process and reflect on. Some of us were talking about what God had done and the accountabilty we would love to have in claiming and emplementing what He did in our lives this weekend. I would love to jump in on this if others are interested. Let me know!

Thank you all for being so real that it so allowed me to be real too. Your prayers meant soo much! My voice is pretty much healed!!!! My sis and roomate noticed it.!(I don’t have that smokers voice, or as my hairdresser says my sexy voice :)). And I was singing with clarity- I have my saprano voice back.  🙂 And my feet are less numb,  I am continuing to walk in His promise and truth of healing, for my back too! You truly are becoming my new community!I appreciate this alot!

Anyway, I am going to drop dead writing. I pray that everyone has an awesome Monday!

Blessings, Jeanette