First off…It was so amazing to hear all your voices again! It made me realize how much I really do miss all of you..and confirmed even more me being a part of the WR. I am sad that not everyone could make the call-but I have notes-not promising anything wonderful, but never the less here they are:

We have some new people added to the team, two of them joined us lastnight-Collene and Jackie(sorry for the spelling). They will have a team blog under Team F-so go visit it and get to know them all!

We are going to be having conference calls one a week-we’re doing it again this coming Tuesday night same time: This may change durring the summer depending on peoples schedule. Starting on May 20th, someone from AIM will be joining in on our calls…sweet! So we need to be working on a structured way of doing our meetings (I think this week went well for being our first time).

*First we did prayer request:

Dan-For is house kids. Some of them got caught with weed this week, and it’s been pretty crazy in his house.

Sarah- For her family. Her uncle died yesterday in the hospital. They are doing well-there were lots of people with him when he passed, but as you can imagine it’s still very hard.

Mark/Aaron- They both need prayer over there job situations. Aaron is graduating and he needs guidance to where God wants him to be. And Mark needs clarity and job openings.

Kelly- She is sick with a cold (which is wierd because it’s like 85 degrees there in Cali)

Jeanette/Traci- They both need prayer over thier kids at school. Patience and a loving heart for them so they can get through these last few days of school that are left.

Kyle-For him to have a good finish in his student teaching.

Becky- Good transitioning back to ‘home life’ from spending a couple weeks in Africa.

*Make sure you read all the blogs and comments clearly so that we don’t have so many repeats, and we can cut down on the update emails. If you have a question for Laura or someone at AIM-call them at the office. Thanks 🙂

*Insurance: Even if you have insurance the immunizations aren’t covered, so it’s going to be cheaper to go to the health department or a travel clinc close to you.

Also-AIM is trying to work with New York Int. to be able to make payments instead of having to pay over $900 all at once. YEAH!    Some people have found that Good Neighbor is cheaper…so check that out if you’re interested.

*Team covenant: We have chosen a team of people that is going to divide all our wonderful ideas into main categories so that our goals are more reachable as a whole. In those main categories they will place different aspects. For example: Respect would be the main category, and things like honesty, slow to anger, no pushing buttons, ect. would be the aspects of respect. I’m not sure if I explained that well…let me know if you didn’t get that. They will be presenting what they’ve come up with in a blog before the next conference call. The team is: Pam,Jeanette,Aaron and Jenn. Thanks guys!

*Support raising ideas:

Making magnents with your picture and a friendly reminder of what you’re doing.

Cici’s Pizza will let you work for the day and get tips from people.

Making a tshirt and selling them

Garage sales

Some Walmarts will let you have a car wash in thier parking lot, and the money you raise they will match it!

Sonic will let you serve food and keep the tips(the cheerleaders at my school would do this and make lots of money)

*Fax number for AIM: 770-983-1061  Make sure you put ATT: ‘Info. World Race’ at the top

That’s all I have! I hope it served it’s purpose. I appologize if it didn’t.
