HAPPY NEW YEAR TEAM!! I hope everyone had an awesome New Year! Its 2007? Are you serious?

I mentioned this on the conference call before. I am an desperate need of a job right now! Mine just ended on Friday. Little background info, I quit my job in June right before I took of with AIM to Kenya and after that I headed to Croatia with my church. I knew God was calling me out of the corporate scene so it was a perfect time for me to quit. Well when I got home from the summer of missions, they begged me to come back and help them out from September till the end of the year because it’s their busy season. It was totally where God would have me and of course it wound up being a huge blessing. Obviously now that is all over and I am out looking again for something ASAP. My family is not doing well financially at the moment, to the point where we scrapping for money for food. Not complaining but just letting you guys know where we are at, I know we could be tons worse though and God continues to provide! I just want His direction in this and would so greatly appreciate your prayers! I honestly was hesitating on posting this but I know that’s what the body is for! I would love to hear how I can be praying for all of you specifically as well. I’m constantly praying for our team, love you guys!

Talk to you soon! God Bless everyone!