Black tunic, black necklace, black hair, black eyes.

This could very well be the Johnny Cash of Varanasi, India. I am leaning against a long-abandoned cement pillar, shoulder-to-shoulder with the man in black himself. Bola is a Hindu “wise man.” A believer that his skull idols will bring him fulfillment in life. Our team and his friends sit in a small circle on the walkway. This is our second day talking with Bola. The day before we got to pray for healing in Jesus’ name for the burns on his body caused by a kitchen fire.

Bola pours a mystery drink inside of the skulls in his lap.

You want to try? says Bola. Offering us a real human skull like it was a McFlurry.

No thank you, I think we’ll pass this time.

Bola shrugs his shoulders and throws his head back, drinking from the neck hole of the skulls. We do our best “that was normal” face and continue making small talk.

Give us the words, Holy Spirit. We have nothing to give him but Jesus.

The Spirit then gives me the courage to open up my Bible from my backpack and flip to Romans 3.

Bola, may I read out of a holy book to you? This is called the Bible.

His curiosity is piqued and he shows me his own holy book about a god named Krishna. Three minutes later I have walked him through the Romans Road.

“And anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Do you understand? The only way to freedom and abundant life and eternal life is through Jesus Christ. 

I close my Bible and wait for his response.

My power: Baba (pointing to his two skulls). Your power: Jesus. 

Well that’s not a response I’m used to. In fact, I’m used to sermons in America, where preachers are fond of saying something along the lines of: Today when you look around you don’t see idols of stone or wood, but we have social media, TV, sports, and other things that we make into idols. Yet now I’m sitting next to a Hindu, who has actual skull idols that he worships and believes brings salvation.

Do you know the story of Jesus, Bola? asks my teammate Rosie.

Yes, Jesus: god. Baba: god. Ganga: god. You: god.

His friends speak up and in broken English they try to explain to us their polytheism. They have all rejected the Gospel now, explaining to us that everyone has their own god and their own way to Nirvana (paradise). In Varanasi, this is the typical response we have had from Hindus whom we have proclaimed the Gospel to. And almost everyone has said they love Jesus Christ, but in reality, they just add Him to their list of 330 million other gods.

We talk some more and then exchange farewells. As we continued to walk down the riverside to tell others of our Hope, I couldn’t help but look back. Bola is now talking to others, who have stopped to inquire him of his skulls. He has so many friends. People are simply drawn to Bola. His wardrobe may seem intimidating, but each time I see him, he is laughing, playing music, and entertaining those around him. My heart is sorrowful though, knowing his post-life destination unless he turns to Christ.

Save him, Lord! Why is everyone’s heart so closed here?

Don’t get me wrong. I want to believe like a Hindu. I want to believe that humanity is allowed to believe what suits them and we will all make it to Paradise eventually. I want to believe that there is no such place as Hell. But that’s not the truth.

The truth is everyone screwed up. We make mistakes daily and we can’t live up to God’s glory. We must pay the price for our sin and that price is eternity in Hell, the lake of fire, away from the presence of God and others. But the Good News of the Gospel is God’s Son, Jesus Christ lived a perfect life and payed for our punishment by dying on the cross and rising again three days later. He took our place. Eternal, abundant life is offered to all those who turn from their sin and believe in salvation only through Jesus. Why would God offer us this precious gift? Because God loves us. God loves YOU so much and wants you to find true fulfillment that is found only in Him. That is why we are told to call God “Father” and “Abba” (Daddy). He desires to have that loving father-child relationship with you. He desires that you stop seeking fulfillment apart from Him. He desires that you crawl into His lap, rest your head on His chest, and let Him tell you how much you mean to Him.

God is after Bola. He just doesn’t understand it yet. When you have lived in darkness for so long, you don’t understand the Light. His eyes are empty and hopeless, but they are jars ready to receive the love of the one and only God. His heart desires to worship a real God, so he made that idol, calling it “Baba.” Do you know what Baba means in many languages including Hindi? It means “Father.” He named his idol, Father. Bola has the same heart I do, the same heart you do. A heart that longs to be loved by our Heavenly Father.

Father, please continue sending Christ followers to Bola. Become his true Baba. Invade his life and his heart. Make him a Paul to those who walk the Ganga Riverside.

The soil is very hard here in Varanasi, but with God anything is possible. Many people come here from all over the world to see the spiritual capital of India and holiest city of Hindus. They all seek the meaning of life. I beg you to pray for more laborers to come to this harvest. May God smash the lie of Hinduism with a force so strong that it never returns. May Varanasi become the Christ-follower capital of India and the most loving city of the Christian faith.

The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea. -Habakkuk 2:14

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Disclaimer: Our new friend Bola gave me permission to share this story and the pictures.