I’ve never really written a poem before, but on one of my travel days on tour I felt like God was leading me to write something. I put my pen to the paper and this is what I wrote:


Lord, do You remember when life had so much luster?

When our hearts were intertwined in a cluster?


What became of the man I’d promised You I’d be?

I feel so far gone now, like I’m drifting off to sea


I sing, “Your grace is enough,” but is it true?

Surely after my next mistake, we will be through


Why would the God of heaven rescue a screw-up like me?

Don’t You know my sins? Don’t You see?


You know my act, You know my facade

Why would You still choose to use me, oh God?


I am unworthy, there is no doubt

But Your grace IS enough, so send me out


You have pulled me out of despair and raised my soul

I will go now and tell those who haven’t been told


I must love how You loved, I must give how You gave

I must tell them of my King, mighty to save


There are too many broken people waiting to hear

So make my feet beautiful, God, but stay near


I will go out and proclaim Your truth

That every knee will bow, the old and the youth


I know I will stumble and fall, again and again

But pick me up, that I may continue to follow your lead, Amen


God really blessed and encouraged me with these words and I hope they have inspired you as well. I am now up to 5% funded for my year-long missions trip to 11 countries. I would urge you to give and help send me overseas to proclaim God’s truth and love to those who have never heard. Also please keep my team in your prayers. Thank you and may God bless you today.