Heyo– My name is Taylor Theobald, but some of my friends call me Theo! I’m 18 years old and I grew up in North Georgia as part of a family of five. However, over the past couple of years my family has grown, but not in the way you may think it has; we are a foster family. Though I have my mom, dad, and biological brother and sister, I consider my two foster siblings my family as well. They no longer live with us, but they have taught me so much. They remind me to have a child-like faith. They remind me to take a break from life and just dance around my room. They remind me it’s okay to not act my age. They are the coolest. 

        In addition to the support I receive from my family, I have a group of middle school girls at my church. I’ve been their small group leader for the past three years. During that time, I left them for two months to live in Argentina, and they couldn’t have been more supportive. Without the support from them, my family, or my friends, I wouldn’t be going on The Race.

        As for now, I don’t know what my future has in store for me. In fact, I don’t have the slightest clue. And that usually scares people. But I couldn’t be more excited. I’ve been praying that during this next year, the Lord reviles His plans for me. Maybe this is something you can help me pray for?