How do we know when we’re ready to do something?
Are we ever really ready or can we convince ourselves that we are?
Some say “If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives”.
Yes there are seasons that require waiting. And waiting can sometimes be the hardest thing to do. It can also be the best thing we can do, because God often teaches us something in that time of waiting. To be hopeful. To have faith.
“She holds onto hope for God is forever faithful.” 1 Corinthians 1:9
But then there comes a time when you can’t wait any longer. When something saturates every thought you have, every decision you want to make. This is when you activate your faith!
Thank God for being faithful, give yourself a pep talk, find a little encouragement, and GO!
I’m not exactly sure if I would use the word ready (yet), but ladies and gentlemen I couldn’t wait any longer. God has been pulling at my heart strings for some time now, and I’m letting go of my steady, comfortable, pretty simple life to embark on a mission trip around the world. And yes, this opportunity is going to require a lot of pep talks, encouragement, prayers and support.
It’s going to be incredibly challenging, amazingly beautiful, and seriously transforming.
It’s called the World Race and I want to tell you all about it.
In August I will be saying ‘good bye’ to America and ‘hello’ to El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Nepal, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Philippines! I’ll spend 11 months visiting 11 countries (and yes, you’re thinking right. That’s like a whole year!) It will be a year spent backpacking around the world to serve the poor and broken. It’s an opportunity to radically love people! So so so many people! It’s a chance to surrender my life, all that I have been blessed with, to be His hands and His feet in some of the most needed places on this earth.
While I am there I will be working alongside the local community in churches, schools, orphanages, and villages to live out the gospel. I’ll be helping families, pouring my love out to orphans, and serving communities in a variety of circumstances.
I’d like to make one thing clear, this trip is not about me!
It’s about them!
The broken, hurting people of the world who need to know they are loved. SO LOVED! And loved by the One whose love is greater, stronger, more comforting, ever reliable, and infinitely better than any other love.
It’s about the Kingdom!
Our own purpose is part of a much bigger picture. C.S. Lewis writes ” If you live for the next world you get this one in the deal; but if you live for only this one, you lose them both.” How close to Heaven would we feel if everyone we encountered used the gifts they were given by the One who created it? That’s what we’re shooting for here!
It’s about that one person!
because even if I am only able to impact the life of one person, one kid who has never been hugged, one stranger who has never found a reason to smile, one woman who has never known her worth, one man who hasn’t found his strength, it will be worth it.
So Here’s your invitation! Are you ready?
You’re invited to share in this journey with me because
1. I really don’t want to do this alone, and 2. I know that I can’t.
There are a few ways you can be a part of this adventure and each are important for the success of this race. Whether you are a prayer warrior, missions supporter, or have been looking for a way to give to something greater than yourself, I would love for all of you to be part of my home team.
Prayer Warriors
“The greatest miracle happens when we humbly approach our Father in Heaven in prayer.” Me and my team need your prayers. Pray for peace in preparation for training camp. Pray for us to fully embrace God’s Word and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Pray that in these next 5 months, the Lord equips me for what will be needed as I begin the race. Pray for continued faith that will move mountains.
The Funds
I can’t make it around the world without the financial support of a community. This trip means so much to me I would love for you to consider helping me reach my goal. Your donation will go directly to supporting my travels, accommodations, and most importantly the ministries my team and I will be working with! Remember those broken, hurting, unloved, and seemingly unapproachable people I mentioned earlier. That’s who you are investing in! The bigger picture! By donating to my trip fund, we are partnering together to make a powerful impact while spreading God’s love around the world.
Just click on the Donate box at the top of the page!
Lookout for future fundraisers!
Support night at Snapper’s Waterfront Cafe
Last but not least, Subscribe to this blog!
I’m new to this blog thing. But this is how I am able to keep you updated! Especially when I leave in August. When I post something, you’ll be the first to know!
Remember it’s about them,the kingdom, that one person! It’s about something far better than anything we could dream of ourselves. I believe we can all be little pencils in the hand of a writing God, who is sending a love letter to the world!