To whomever is reading this, welcome to my very first blog.

A little glimpse into the World Race…

The World Race opens doors for traveling hearts. It provides a tangible way to carry out the scriptures through loving, serving, and witnessing mission. The World Race is a nine month, five-country mission trip for people who long to see His Kingdom come. I have been placed on route 5, meaning I will be serving alongside a team of about 55 people in the Dominican Republic, Botswana, Haiti, South Africa, and the Philippines.  We will be pouring into communities of churches, orphanages, schools, villages, and anywhere else you can imagine through construction work, aiding in disaster stricken areas, and walking through life with His people. Every day on the race looks a bit different.  

I am simply in awe of Jesus’s faithfulness AND over the moon to embark on this next stage of my life.

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Everytime I start typing I delete it, so let’s see where this goes. The other morning I was sitting by my window seal brainstorming what to say for this blog, but I had nothing. So I prayed for inspiration and opened my bible to Matthew 14v22-32, the passage when Jesus walks on water.

In this passage, Jesus’s disciples are out at sea, the boat was far from the land, beaten by the waves. They glanced out and saw a “ghostly” figure walking on the surface of the water.  The disciples cried out in fear. Immediately, Jesus spoke to them.

“Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.”

Peter answered Jesus, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” Jesus said to Peter, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water to Jesus. As the winds picked up, Peter began to sink as he cried out, “Lord, save me.”

Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him,

“O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”

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As I read this passage, it kinda made me laugh. Peter is amidst the creator of the universe, who is walking on water right before him, with the power to heal with one word, who can feed five thousand men and women with five loaves of bread. And yet Peter still doubts Him. Peter questions in disbelief and Jesus still responds with grace. Jesus speaks one simple word, “come” and Peter walks on water. Despite all this, Peter still fears the storm, even in the magnificent presence of Jesus.

Then a wave of conviction washed over me as I realized that I am no different than Peter. I doubt the creator of the universe. I doubt His unwavering strength, power, grace, and love. I doubt His plan. I am Peter. This passage reminds us that humanity is flawed. It reminds us that storms are used for the benefit of our good. He wonders,  “if you truly follow me like you say you do, will you still be steadfast when the winds pick up? Will you still trust me when the wind breaks down your walls? Will you love me when it seems like life doesn’t love you back?”

Without His grace and persistent love for me, my faith would be empty, dry, and fruitless. This passage is such a sweet reminder of Jesus’s heart. I rest in the fact that although I continuously doubt and reject Him, he will always reach out his hand for me. 

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THANK YOU for taking the time to read this, there will be more to come.  Prayers, encouragement, letters, donations, and all that stuff would be wonderful.