A friend of mine asked me what I hoped for out of this journey on the World Race. This is what I told her and I wanted to also share with you. This is not a comprehensive list…

I hope to get a better understanding of what Biblical community is. I will be living and serving with a group of 5 other people on my team. I will have no alone time and will be drawn completely out of my comfort zone to share life with them for 11 months. We will have highs and lows together, we’ll fight, we’ll cry, we’ll do everything together.

I hope to get a deeper revelation of the Gospel, how to live it out, and how to share this amazing news with those around me – those who believe in Jesus and those who don’t.

I expect and welcome brokenness and hope simultaneously. Brokenness over this world and the pain I will see, and hope that God has a perfect plan and He is accomplishing it even through the brokenness. 

I hope to see a lot of different types of ministry throughout the world. For most of my life, I’ve felt called to ministry in some capacity. It’s hard to narrow down what I would love to do because I’m passionate about so much. I hope to see the Gospel lived out through these ministries and I hope to gain clarity on where God is leading me next.

On a lighter, funnier note: I expect blisters, dirty feet, seeing huge bugs, lots of crying, giving lots of hugs, stinky clothes, and laughing a lot! I HOPE for those (and more) because I know they will stretch me, pull me out of my comfort zone, and in the end, change my perspective to what is truly important.

I expect God to work in each of my 50 squadmates and myself and I believe He will use us in HUGE ways on the Race and when we come back.


In order to go on this journey, which is exactly ONE MONTH AWAY, I need your help! I am $5,000 away from my goal of $16,242. You can make a tax-deductible donation by clicking on the “Support Me” tab to the left of the screen. I am also in need of some more supplies for the trip. You can find those at http://www.myregistry.com/wishlist/Taylor-Duggan-Fenton-MO/715898. Please “Contact Me” via phone or the link to the left of the screen if you are in need of my address.    

Thank you so much for your support, love, and encouragement throughout this journey thus far! I am excited to see what God does and I’m so humbled to be part of His story.

Much love!