I jumped because I got comfortable. And when I say jump, it was more like an all out air jump where you’re like “what the heck am I doing?!”

I took a step of faith, and God directed it.


Sometimes when something big and crazy presents an opportunity to you, you got to take it! 


I just graduated from Victory Bible College with missions in May of 2017. 

I could have gone back for a second year there, but I didn’t feel like that was what God wanted me to do and I didn’t quite understand why. So I’ve just been working at my job and serving in my local church. For awhile now I have just felt like there was more that I could be doing and I wasn’t satisfied, I wanted to be doing more. I also felt like there was more to discover about God and I wanted to challenge myself. I got comfortable with where I’m at in life- a great job that I love, a great community of friends, a comfy cozy bed. And those are all great things, but for me I just had this strong sense in me that there was more to discover if I just let go and got uncomfortable.

Then the World Race came up. I think I somehow followed them on Instagram and that’s where I heard about them. I started looking into it and reading their posts and what they are about. I said to myself “wow, this would be something I’d love to do.” But only seemed to be possible in a dream. Then God kept stirring my heart about it and my interest in it simply wasn’t go away.

So I took a jump of faith and applied. I kept praying : “God if this is your will, I know you’ll open the door. If it’s not, close it.”

And I believe God opened the door! 

Thinking about it makes me so excited yet scared cause it’s a huge life change. Living out of a backpack for 11 months, WHAT! BUT I’m ready for the challenge! 

My comfy bed will be here when I get back, but right now there are people out there that need to know that there is hope. That there is a love that saves. His name is Jesus! There are people that deserve to know the love of Jesus. And I want to be a part of that! I’m ready to discover so much more & of who God is and to grow out of my comfort zone! There are people hurting and in need and living a life we know nothing about. We don’t get to choose where we are born and I consider it a blessing to be born in America and to the life I get to live. So I wan’t to use my life to help those in need. I want to make the little ones laugh! Hug the hurting! Love the broken! 

There’s no better time to go than now, especially with what’s going on around the world, it’s no time to hide in fear, but to step out in faith and love. 


Be praying for me and my squad that God will prepare us before we leave and provide the funds to go! And the continued prayer as we are out on the field for the 11 months!


Thank-you for taking the time to read 🙂 


Thought of the day : Sometimes you have to do what scares you but also excites you!