So I’m not sure if this was a requirement for the World Race, but in the resource tab on our profile there is a book called ” Kingdom Journeys: Rediscovering a Lost Spiritual Discipline” by Seth Barnes.

And WOW. If you’re about to do the World Race, thinking about doing the World Race, or just anyone in general, you NEED to read this book. For those specifically thinking about the World Race, I’d read it! 

Obviously I have been on a roller coaster of emotions since being accepted. I get really excited thinking about it, but then I think about my weaknesses and even fears and I then I get nervous. I think about how huge of a life change this will be!

I started reading this book and WOW. I’ve practically highlighted every page and put side notes that say “This is how I feel!!” haha. 

If reading this book is teaching me anything, it’s sure as heck teaching me that I NEED to do the World Race and this is book is confirming it!

It’s all about abandoning our comfortable lives and leaving to discover more of God and ourselves. Beyond the fear. God can move in new ways, in ways we’ve never seen before because we are in situations like never before.

It talks about this feeling of “Restlessness”. The whispers of God calling us to “Go”.



For the sake of making a difference in peoples lives, bringing hope to the hopeless, I need to leave because I need this kind of change in my life. I want to quote something I just read from one of the chapters that sums this up :

“This is the point of abandoning. He wants us to look at the world through new eyes, eyes that see the beauty and joy and excitement in all things, even the most ordinary of circumstances. He wants us to give up our control and to trust him. Abandoning reminds us to be childlike in the middle of life at a time when we’ve long forgotten what it’s like to be a child. This is why we leave; it’s why we go on a journey in the first place.”


And I’m not saying this applies to everyone right now and the season you are in because that’s just it, we all are in different seasons. God could be wanting you right where he has you. He could be calling you to apply for that college or job that’s been on your heart. Or like me, He could be calling you to “Go” on this World Race journey. All journeys don’t always look the same.

I can’t explain it but I just know this is something I need and want to do, even beyond the fear. Fear should never paralyze us to settle. In spite of fear we give it to God and we go after our dreams! Woot woot!

Someone once told me : If your dream doesn’t scare you, it’s not big enough!


Any who, just wanted to share what was on my heart and mind! Overall, I am beyond excited!

I also would like for you to prayerfully consider in partnering with me on this journey by subscribing to this blog to get updates while I’m gone on the field and what I’m up to and what God is doing.

And if you feel led, to give financially by clicking the “Donate” tab. Although accepted, it doesn’t just finish there. I still need to raise the money to go! 

HUGE thank you to everyone who has supported me so far through giving and prayer!