Before doing anything, please pray about it!  Pray for guidance that God will open up doors for you to serve the Kingdom, whether it be for me and my trip, or another way, and go until He says no.  Pray for me as I go through the process of preparing spiritually, financially and mentally.  Pray for the spirits of myself and my future team, that God will prepare us to serve Him well and to give us endurance to run the race ahead of us. 

The upfront cost of the trip is $18,100, not including two round trip tickets and equipment. If God is leading you to help out financially there are a few ways you can give.   Adventures in Missions is a 501c3 nonprofit, and all donations are tax refundable.

Donate Online with credit or debit card.  Click here to get started!

Purchase items for me! I have account at with things that I need for my travels.  Click here to see it!

I’ll be posting on my blog about my life and what God is doing up until I leave, and I’ll be updating with my experiences while on the field. If you want to know more about this crazy trip and why I am doing it I’d love to chat with you, give me a call, use the contact form, send me a text, a message on Facebook or use smoke signals.  I am so excited to see what God has in store for His Kingdom!