Hey everyone!!! Soooo much has been going on lately now that its SUMMER TIME. It’s the time of the year where people start heading out to their vacation spots and begin relaxing now that all the pressure and stress of the school year is over. I always look forward to this time of the year because I can go swimming and just enjoy everyday, but this year it’s all so different. On May 25 I graduated from High School! Ever since I was little I always dreamt of the day where I would walk the halls as a senior, but the other night, as I was sitting in my graduation hearing the valedictorian and salutatorian speak, I have never felt so many emotions at one time. I was overwhelmed with excitement because I have now achieved a huge accomplishment in my younger years of life, but on top of those feelings I couldn’t help letting my eyes fill up with tears because now an era that I have been so comfortable with has come to a close. 

Change has always been a huge fear of mine and now I’m taking a step into the biggest change of my life. World Race is only 96 days out from today, and I don’t know how I feel about it all yet. I am extremely excited but so overwhelmed at the same time. One of my good friends at graduation said something that was really touching to my heart. He said, “I cant wait to see how you can be a light to others all over the world!” This happened unexpectedly and it reminds me everyday that not only am I about to make a huge change in my life, but I am about to be a light to others! I cant stop thinking about how I will be able to use my gifts that God gave me to serve others! I will get to show and see His wonders all over the world. On top of all the worries I feel with fundraising, I am continually growing more confident. Its a huge challenge but through it all I feel as if this is teaching me so much! I am so appreciative of everyone’s support thus far along the way and am excited to share this new adventure with you. Thank you, I’m thrilled to share this experience with y’all!!!!