19 saved and eating corn…by the end of the 3 weeks over 250 people came to know the Lord! 
Josh, Shanda and I set out with Bonax to share the gospel in the Chipatu village, a prominently Muslim village.  At the first place we came to Josh began to share the gospel by drawing the “Bridge to Life” diagram in the dirt with a stick, explaining the four part gospel from creation to restoration.  At the end of his presentation four people accepted the Lord.  (Mulumgu Alimekezeke! – Praise the Lord in Chechewa)  Then we meandered through the cornfields to another house. 
Maria was so happy after accepting Jesus.  Look at her on the right with her husband smiling. 
At the next house Shanda shared the gospel and a woman named Maria and her son.  While Maria listened to the gospel she was making Kassava flour, which is a very heavy flour used to make seema, or a stiff like porridge.  Both Maria and her son accepted the Lord as their personal savior.  Then Shanda and I asked Maria if she would teach us how to make the Kassava flour. 

How to make Kassava flour:

1.    Cut the Kassava plant. 
2.    Soak the root in water
3.    Roll pieces of the root in your hand until the soft pieces are separated from the hard bits. 
4.    Sprinkle the soft pieces over a tarp on the ground to dry in the sun
5.    Place the hard bits in a separate pile

6.    Then grind the dried soft pieces into a powder

*then to cook it you just add boiling water and stir like oatmeal, but be careful this stuff sticks to your ribs for days. 
Maria was so delighted that we wanted to help her and she was filled with joy that we came to her home to share the gospel, that before we left she gave us some roasted corn.  We ate our corn as we walked to the next house and I was reminded of the harvest in the scriptures and how us eating the fruit of the harvest  (the corn) was symbolic of the fruit God just harvested spiritually (Maria and her son). 


So we continued sharing the gospel and at the end of the day 19 people had accepted the Lord.  But, that is not all, the Harvest continued that evening as over 80 people came forward to receive the Lord after watching the Jesus Film. 

Josh praying as 13 people accepted Jesus into their heart. 
The next day we went to the Kassamba village and God used me to lead a man named Stanley to the Lord (see Josh’s blog).  And, that evening 19 women, over 30 children and teenagers and over 20 men accepted Jesus into their hearts after watching the Jesus Film. 

Stanley was a prodical son, but he came home to the Lord!  He is the one in front of Josh
And, the Harvest continued every single day.  God was reaping the harvest and I am so thankful and privileged that God used us to bring his children home to him.  In the end the total of new believers in Nkhotakota was over 250.  I know it is not about the numbers, but I just wanted you to understand how ripe the harvest is here and how eager and ready people are for the truth of Jesus Christ.