Hey Everyone!

Thanks for stopping by! I’m excited today to begin my fundraising journey for The World Race, and to see how God uses this process to shape me, and prepare me for our upcoming trip!

In case you haven’t been up to date with my life transition, I’ll be leaving in January for The World Race, an 11 month mission trip to 11 different countries, through the organization Adventures in Missions (you can see my route in the picture below). Or you can read more about it at this link: https://www.worldrace.org/?tab=routes&subtab=january-2019-un

I want to start by saying thank you to everyone who has asked me questions about my race, and those who have already expressed a desire to partner with me financially and in prayer. It’s humbling to have so many people to share this experience with, and I’ve felt deeply loved over the past month as I’ve begun my preparation.

I wanted to use this blog post to fill everyone in on some of my plans for raising funds for this trip, so I’ll just jump right in! I look forward to sharing this experience with all of you, and answering any questions you might have about my upcoming journey!

If you’re interested in partnering with me financially, I’d like to invite you to do so by purchasing a box! As you can see below, I’ve included a grid that has 100 boxes in it, each numbered. You can choose one box or multiple box. For example: Donate $1 to claim box 1, $2 to claim box 2, $3 to claim box 3, etc. Once someone has claimed a box, I will mark it off, and once every box is marked off, I will have raised enough to meet my first goal of $5,000.

And here’s where things get fun! For each box you claim on row one (numbers 1-10), I’ll put your name in once for a drawing for a $150 gift card to Wal Mart. For each box you claim on row 2 (numbers 21-30) you’ll earn two entries. Boxes 31-40 will earn you 3 entries per box, and so on, all the way to the final row earning you nine entries per box claimed. The drawing will take place once every box has been claimed.

But that’s not all! I want this to be a fun process that everyone can get involved in, so I want to give a little more incentive to check off every one of these boxes. Once every box is claimed, 1-100, or once I reach my first goal of $5,000, I’ll film myself doing the Buffalo Wild Wings Blazing Wings Challenge (which I will be awful at), and post the video for your enjoyment! Once we finish my first goal, and as I get closer to my full fundraising goal, I’ll present some other opportunities to get me doing something ridiculous on camera!

If you’d like to commit to monthly gifts, or making a one time donation that you don’t see in a box, I’d greatly appreciate that as well, and I will factor those monthly gifts into that $5,000 goal!

To be entered into the Wal Mart gift card raffle, you’ll need to indicate which boxes you’re claiming, so I’ll know how many entries to give you! You can let me know by commenting on this blog post, by private messaging me on Facebook, or by leaving it in a comment when I post updates to Facebook or Instagram!

All donations are 100% tax deductible and can be made at the top of my blog page by clicking on the donate button! Please let me know if you have any questions!

In the next several blogs I’ll be highlighting some of the areas we’ll be visiting during my route! Make sure and check in every now and then for updates on how you can pray for me and those God will be placing in my path during the World Race! And don’t forget to subscribe, at the top of the page, if you’d like alerts whenever I finish a new post!

Thanks again for reading! And thanks in advance for your prayers and support!