Busy. Transition. Unknown. Up in the air. These are words and phrases that have become characteristic of my life as of late. A week ago today I began driving from northern BC to, eventually, end up in Greenville, SC. I drove about halfway, (to Denver, CO) by myself where i got to visit with friends. My brother in law met me there and drove the second half with me.

Arriving in Greenville early Thursday morning, I moved in with some dear friends (Thank you, God, for people who are willing to support this hobo) and began sorting through all my things, trying to wrap my head around what I need to take — and still need to buy — for training camp, which start in only five days. Ahh!!

Over the last several weeks I have grown lax in my devotions and prayer life. I could blame it on the craziness of moving… a couple times… and transition and whatever else took my time but, in reality, it’s my laziness. It’s my letting everything else be more important. It’s not making my relationship with God priority.

Last night, I went to a high school football game at the school I used to work at. Most people didn’t know I was in town yet and I thought I’d surprise them. There were a couple people who, when they saw me, literally, screamed with excitement…which, of course, made me feel fabulous!

It hit me this morning that it makes me feel so good when people get excited to see me, yet I have THE Almighty, All-Powerful, Creator of the Universe who can’t wait for me to come into His presence and hang out for a while and I sit him in the corner until it’s convenient for me to pull Him out. God forgive me!

Psalm 18:19 says “…he rescued me, because he delighted in me.” To fathom that the God who can speak galaxies into existence delights in me, yet I push him to the side to get excited about some friends. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the people in my life and am so fortunate to be able to see again, but how much more should I get excited about entertaining the Presence of God.

I’m so thankful for a God who delights in me. I’m thankful he brings me to a halt and shows me the error of my priorities so that I can rearrange them. As I head into training camp this week, I pray — and covet your prayers — that God will continue to show me what I need to change so that I can become who He wants me to be, so that I can most effectively minister to those around me.