Two weeks ago I accepted a new job. I will be a Squad Mentor at Adventures in Missions.

[That mean I get to walk alongside a whole squad of racers for their entire 11 months. I will get to coach, disciple and mentor my racers, visiting them on the field four times throughout their 11 months.] 

Just like with the last two years of my life, transition will happen very quickly. I start the new job on May 21 after being in country for just four days. 

With any transition, a ‘To Do’ list always comes. Sometimes they’re a little more involved than others and my ‘To Do’ list this time felt a little heavy. 

  • Find a place to live
  • Furnish it
  • Find a car
  • Finish fundraising for Squad Leading
  • Build a team of monthly supporters

Not extensive, but none of them are all that easy when you’re not gainfully employed and you’re also on the other side of the world – Ok, technically I’m in Jamaica, but I’ll be in India soon. 

Regardless, my list was much bigger than my resources and when that happens, all I know to do is pray

About a week ago, I got serious about praying for the Lord to provide a place to live, a car and monthly supporters.

Within two days I began a conversation that’s still in process, but sounds like it’ll give me a place to live.

The next day I was talking to someone who was trying to decide how much to donate monthly.

The next day I talked to yet another person who offered their truck for me to drive until I find a car of my own. 

I was also reminded that I have a bed in storage back home. I thought it had been given away a couple years ago. I hadn’t even prayed for that one!

This morning I was praying again and the Lord told me, among other things, “I have financial provision for you.” A few hours later I received an email outlining plans on how to fundraise well. A few hours after that I received an offer to have a matching event. 

My friend will match up to $500 donated in the next two weeks. Assuming it’s met, that’s $1,000!

Look at God! He provides, He provides, He PROVIDES!!

None of those things are set in stone yet, but, really, I don’t even care. Papa has shown up for me so clearly in so many different way that I have absolutely no doubt that He’ll bring me everything I need, and probably even a few things I just want. 

He delights in giving His children good gifts!

Matthew 7:11

So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.

All this to say, my resources are irrelevant. The Lord has clearly opened doors for me to walk through. At times I hesitated, but as I continue to move, He continues to show up. Isn’t that what faith is? Talking the next step without even knowing where your foot is going to land? It’s exciting! It’s an adventurous way to live and I wouldn’t trade it for all the resources in the world!

I Thessalonians 5:24

God will make this happen, for he who calls you is faithful.


**If you’re interested in being a part of my matching campaign, click the donate button! It’s running through April 10th. If you give $5, that means I receive $10. If you give $25, I receive $50. All donations are tax deductible!**

**I also do need monthly supporters. If you feel led, hit that “Donate!” or reach out to me for more information. All donations are tax deductible!**