There’s a song my Papaw and my mom used to sing. I haven’t heard it in a while, but it’s chorus has been playing on repeat in my head today.

This week, I’ve been pricing out equipment (tents, backpacks, sleeping bags and all that go along with them), beginning the process of those pricey vaccines, calculating budgets, thinking through travel options (to fly or to drive, to sell the car or to keep the car), and trying to wrap my brain around all the details that go into a trip of this magnitude.

In one direction, I see dollar signs that keep getting higher and higher. In the next direction, I see a calendar that has only two and half months until my current job (aka. regular pay) must end for my journey to begin. Then, from the best direction, I hear that chorus that Papaw sings, “I’m learning to lean, learning to lean, Learning to lean on Jesus. Finding more power than I’d ever dreamed, …He’s teaching and I’m learning to lean.”

Is it overwhelming thinking about all that needs to get done and how much it’s going to cost? Absolutely! Is it my job to worry about how it’s going to get done and stress out when it’s not on my time line? Absolutely not!

I believe God has intentionally placed desires in me and opened doors to make this trip a reality in my life. I also believe that God will not lead me to a place then leave me there without the resources I need to accomplish the task.

So what’s next? I keep planning the next fundraiser, I keep doing my best at work (after all, I’ve still got two and a half months!), I keep striving to be the best steward I can be of the resources that I have already been blessed with, I keep learning to lean and I watch, expectantly, for God to show up and do more than I could ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20)