Hey everyone!! There are many ways you support me on this insane adventure I’m about to take, but here are a few. First of all, prayer. Prayer is a very powerful thing and it really isn’t that difficult of a task. If everyone who reads this post could take a minute or two out of their day and pray for me it would have such a huge impact. Pray as I prepare and as I am serving in South East Asia. Secondly, financially. I know this is a lot more to ask for than just prayers, but I cannot do any of this with out some money. My trip cost $6,700 along with any other gear I will need to purchase ahead of time. Anything helps! Third, spread the word. Let friends, family and strangers know! Lastly, advice! If you have any advice or experiences or stories PLEASE reach out to me! I would love to hear it! 

Thank You for taking time to read my words and for backing me as I go into the world!! 🙂