“We are not made for the mountains, for sunrises, or for the other
beautiful attractions in life- those are simply intended to be moments
of inspiration. We are made for the valley and the ordinary things of
life, and that is where we have to prove our stamina and strength.” […]
“We are inclined to think that everything that happens is to be turned
into useful teaching. In actual fact, it is to be turned into something
even better than teaching, namely, character.”
-Oswald Chambers
I was challenged the other day after reading My Utmost for His Highest, by O. Chambers. These words leaped out at me because I quite often expect life to be a constant “mountaintop experience”. For example, after being accepted into the WR I was on a beautiful mountaintop! It was amazing; I was simply loving the view. However since those first couple of weeks, I’ve realized that I am back to my ordinary, mundane “valley” life. And only after reading this short daily devotional did I realize this is quite normal, nothing is wrong with me for not remaining “on the mountaintop”…but I now have the opportunity to persevere through some challenging times and develop a stronger more patient, trusting and persevering character. So to put it quite literally; as I feel the onset of laziness and complacency while I wait for our mission launch (hehe I feel like I’m leaving the planet!) I have begun to make it my daily prayer to actively represent the Kingdom of Christ no matter what country or continent I’m on. As elementary as this may seem to my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, I can definitely be a poor representation of the Kingdom here at home. I simply must make Christ my priority and focus, whenever, wherever.
Aaaanyway…that’s the spiritual funness that’s been going on in my head.
Also, a quick update on my support raising progress;
I am at just under $3,000 !!!
***This is above what I needed before training camp!!!***
This morning when I found someone had made a generous contribution to my support my heart almost stopped. It was quite honestly, extremely humbling. I must say, the hardest part in seeking people’s financial support is truly believing that I will be able to do good works and that God can actually use ME as His disciple. Upon receiving this particular donation, I’ve had to convince myself that clearly other’s have faith in me! How exciting and again…HUMBLING! Thank you so much!
One last tidbit..I have begun reading the “Hole in our Gospel” by Richard Stearns, as part of a local small group. I must say, this Bible study has me thinking —Revolution is just around the corner. I think God is awakening something in many peoples’ hearts regarding social injustice and if we all begin to act upon that stirring, something big is gonna go down!