Monday, August 30, 2010

Dear Friend,

    I feel as though I am writing a ridiculously early Holiday
letter.  However, this is not a Holiday letter, although I do hope it
finds you in good health and good spirits.  To bring you up to speed in my
life, earlier this summer, I stepped down from an advantageous job position in
hopes of finding my next big adventure and some sort of direction. 
Luckily, God provided just that.

    About six months ago, I first heard of a mission program
known as The World Race.  The World Race is sponsored by an interdenominational
Christian organization known as AIM (Adventures in Missions), and is focused on
serving people around the world who are most in need.  The ‘Racers’ travel
to 11 countries in 11 months, and as it was once described to me, it is our job
to be the hands and feet of God.  I am so blessed and excited to share that
I was recently accepted into the World Race and in January will be leaving to
travel for the next eleven months serving others in the poorest parts of the
world.  My deepest desire in going on this trip is to simply love on
others through service.  A great deal of our efforts will be focused on
physically serving those in need- in response to natural disasters, war,
sickness, poverty and prostitution-but through this service I also envision
being able to meet emotional and spiritual needs.  My heart longs to see
the lost and hurting people of the various countries we will be visiting feel
loved and cared for and hear of the hope they may have in Christ.

    The reason why I am sharing all of this with you is because
this trip will require a significant amount of support; financially,
spiritually and emotionally.  I am coming to you to ask for your support
in whatever way you may feel called.  Even more specifically however,
Racers need to raise a total amount of $14,300 to provide for our needs
throughout this trip.  My approach to the
financial aspect of this trip is that although I want to trust in God’s
provision and the support of others, I will also be contributing monthly to my
own needs.

    I have enclosed a response card and pre-addressed
envelope which invites you to share in this ministry. Please make checks
payable to Adventures In Missions and return the response card with your
donation to Adventures In Missions PO Box 534470 Atlanta, GA 30353-4470. The
response card will provide AIM with the information necessary to send you a
receipt for your donation. Please send all donations by November 30th,
2010. (*Pick a date at least one month to six weeks from the date you mail your

Adventures In Missions is registered with the Internal Revenue Service as a 501
(c) (3) nonprofit organization. Donors will receive receipts for their gifts
with the understanding that the disbursement of those gifts lies completely at
the discretion of Adventures In Missions and that the gifts are non-refundable
and non-transferable, per IRS regulations. Gifts may be tax deductible; please
consult a tax advisor.

    I know The World Race will be life changing for me, the ones
I will be serving and the ones I will be traveling with.  I honestly
believe this could be life changing for you as well, and want to give you the opportunity
to be a part of my vision.  Consider me as a representative of those supporting
me.  Please know that you can contact me with any questions before making
any commitment or decision in regards to this letter.  Also, I would love
for you to follow my progress online through my ongoing blog at


Tabitha Blanchard