Training camp is quickly approaching and I’ve been getting discouraged with my support raising.  But I must remind myself, things are not always as they seem.  Because right now, it seems as though I have little or no support; it seems as though my financial needs will not be met, which lead me to believe this trip may not happen for me after all. 
Luckily however, I was encouraged last night by a close friend/brother, and as I said before, things are NOT always as they seem.  This friend reminded me that this process is going to take persistence.  He reminded me that I DO have support, and that I am going to have to get out of my comfort zone to make things happen, and it is not going to be easy.  He reminded me, that the WR is something I’m passionate about and has purpose in my life.  
So, for now anyway, my confidence has been renewed.  Although I must be clear with anyone reading this, that my need is still great!  Thanks heavens for encouraging friends  and dang all the doubt that controls me from time to time.
This week I’ve been continuing to send letters and approach local business owners regarding support.  I am hoping to set up a benefit show at the cafe I used to work  at…good idea eh?!  Yeah, I’m all about live music at coffee shops.
I also want to say; this week I realized how freeing it is to give control of the things in our lives over to God.  As I have been trying to control the outcome of my support raising, I’ve found myself coming up short and getting very stressed.  It takes so much pressure off allowing God control of the situation.