A while back, I posted a blog that answered a lot of common questions. These included the basics and logistics, but there have been a lot of reoccurring questions that are a little tougher to answer. I will be giving it a shot here! My hope is to give answers to these questions that most people have asked or at least thought as I have told them about this upcoming venture- if you have any that are not answered here or in the previous blog, please feel free to contact me and ask away!

Are you crazy? Why are you doing the World Race   This question isn’t so tough to answer, it is more like how much time do you have? And trying to show my heart in the matter. And in short, the answer is easy- Because God called me to. But let’s back up some and expand on how I ended up here. To be honest, I never saw myself as a “missionary.” I did not grow up in church and when I did give my life to Christ in high school I was passionate about learning more about God and helping others. Even then, I saw that being played out as helping others where I was at, through my job, and as I lived the “normal” American life. As my relationship with Christ grew and through some gentle pushing and encouragements from those close to me that I would consider spiritual mentors, I branched out to missions opportunities abroad and here in the U.S. Through my experiences with people on these trips and with God, my heart for missions grew and I found myself being most at home and at peace- even amidst chaos, unknown, and being out of my comfort zone- in these moments and places.                                                                          

Choosing to do the World Race was not an easy decision. I love adventure. I love traveling. And I have come to love pushing myself out of my comfort zone. And while I would be lying if I said that these had nothing to do with my decision, I CAN tell you they are not why I am doing the race. There are much easier ways to experience adventure. There are much easier and cheaper ways to travel. The World Race will allow me to see community and missions in multiple ways. It will give me different perspectives on the world. It will allow me to see God’s creation and how He is working on all corners of the globe. The World Race will allow me to LOVE, to KNOW, and to SHOW God’s love to people around the world that may be forgotten or ignored. Living with a community of believers and doing ministry around the world will challenge me, encourage me, and grow me in my faith and my relationship with Christ. I cannot know what these 11 months will hold, but I do know that God has written quite the story leading up to this decision and I cannot wait to see what He has written for my squad and I throughout the journey.

Why not help out in the U.S.?/Why not invest in one place for 11 months?   This is a tough question for me to answer because on one hand, it can be frustrating. On the other hand, I see the heart of those who ask it and they have a relevant point. There is a lot of need here in the states. You can’t escape the desperation and craziness that happens even if you ignore the news and t.v. So much of my heart for missions and my love of community stems from my missions experiences here in different parts of the U.S. From my daily life experiences here and the differences I know one can make in their own community. I have seen and gotten to know people in a variety of communities and I have left a part of my heart in these places. So, could I stay and invest in one of them for 11 months? Yes. As a matter of fact, I would love it. But, right now God is calling me abroad. There are needs here, but there are also needs all across the globe. There are people who do not know who Christ is. There are people who have never been told they are loved or that they matter. One nation is not more important than another. Not everyone can just up and travel to spread the Gospel, but I am at a point in my life right now where I can. There are others that are called to stay right here in the U.S. and make a difference. Both are callings and both make a huge difference for the Kingdom. Let’s work together and share with one another the opportunities-near and far- to show the world God’s love.

As for why don’t I stay in one place for 11 months? This too is a good question. Many people have expressed that I can make a bigger impact in one spot for a year rather than 1 month in each spot. While this would be true if I was the one making the impact, I know that GOD is the one who will make the impact-not me. I am just the hands and feet that He can use. God is already moving in these parts of the world and AIM partners with those who are already on the ground ministering to the people of the 11 countries I will visit. When my team leaves, there are people who are there to follow up and to continue serving. I may eventually settle in one location to do ministry, but right now I am able to travel and God has called me to do so. This will allow me to see ministry, cultures, and community in 11 different contexts. This will only broaden my experiences with ministry, help me grow deeper in my faith, and teach me more than I can even imagine. 

Is it safe? Yes. And No. We all know the world we live in can be a crazy place these days. Are these countries I’m going to the most stable of places all of the time? No. BUT, neither is the U.S. And I know that sounds like I am downplaying the danger, but the reality is I could stay here and not move the rest of my life and there would still be no guarantee of tomorrow. AIM has precautions in place. They have connections all around the world and they monitor situations in the countries that we will visit. Should there be a situation where a specific place is dangerous, they have precautions in place. As for day to day situations, I am traveling with a group, not alone. I am in good hands and my team and I will be as safe as we can be. I do not want to live my life in fear and let that prevent me from living life to the fullest and pursuing God’s calling with all I have. I have faith that God is walking with us and before us- what better protection than that?!

Are you scared? People have responded in many ways to my trip. I have often been told that I am “so brave.” This is not true. I am so excited for this trip, but I also have apprehensions. I have made sacrifices for this trip that make it’s soon arrival oh so bittersweet. The truth is I am at complete peace with the trip, but that is not due to my bravery, it is all God’s doing. As for the question, “Are you scared?”, I have to answer in two ways that may make people think I’m crazy. 

I am scared about the finances. Asking for help is something that I struggle with. ESPECIALLY asking for money. And $17,017 is a lot of money. I cannot do it alone-which is kind of the beauty of the trip. But, not knowing for sure where that money will come from can be scary. Asking people to support me and trying to balance fundraising and trying to not be the person constantly bugging people or posting is scary. Bugs. I am not a bug person and I do not like little critters. I am a little nervous about what may make it’s way into my sleeping spaces in the different countries. I don’t like to let people down or fail so the thought and knowledge of knowing that there will be times I fail on this trip can be scary.                                            

But those aren’t the things that people mean when they ask this question. They are usually getting more at the questions like, “What if you get sick? Are you worried about safety? What about being away from home for so long?” Sickness can be scary and uncomfortable, especially if I am away from my home. But, I could get sick here. It’s not a reason to worry or to not go. If I get sick, I’ll have people around to help me. There is medical care in these countries and I’ll be taking some common medicines with me. As for being away for so long, I will miss my family and friends. I will miss my comforts of home. I will miss my students. BUT, those are small sacrifices compared to the sacrifice of Jesus and I have been away from them before. I know that the reward is worth the sacrifice and I am so blessed with the support that is around me. As for safety- I kind of answered this in the question above. So to make it short, No, I am not scared. This might sound crazy but I have complete confidence that this is what God is calling me to do with this season and He has given me peace about this journey.

Are you prepared for what you may do/see? The reality of the race is that I will often be out of my comfort zone. I will be pushed physically, mentally, and spiritually. A lot of the communities and people that I will be getting to know and serving among will have stories and lives that are very different from mine. I will see things that break my heart. I will be put in situations or be asked to do things that I may not excel at. I will be called upon to trust God with all that I have and let go of my plans. The reality is that I do not and can not know exactly what to expect because each person’s race is different. I can tell you that I am preparing physically. I am trying to re-establish healthy habits and behaviors to better prepare me for the race. I have been preparing myself mentally for ways I may be asked to serve, changes in my lifestyle, and learning about different cultures. I have been in prayer about the trip and have started building a spiritual support system for my race. I have asked God to continue to open my heart and to break it for what breaks His. I have been praying for wisdom and guidance, protection and peace, and for boldness in my every day now and on the race. The truth is I am not prepared. I am not qualified. I can’t be because I don’t know what I’ll be doing or who I will meet. But I know that as I continue to walk and to learn that God will prepare me. He will give me the words and the skills. He will help me in my times of failure, in my moments of doubt, in my moments of “what do I do?”. I am not prepared-but He is and I am resting in the assurance that that is enough.

Thanks for reading! If you have any more questions or want to talk more about the World Race or life, let me know and we can chat! 


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