Welcome back to my blog! I have never written a blog before, so this is just another new adventure in the process of preparing for the World Race! 🙂
This journey is going to be filled with new sights and adventures, but it will also be filled with a lot of challenges, heartache, and most of all stories of God’s faithfulness. A lot of times, you see the highlight reels of people’s races. I want this space to be authentic. I want to share with you the fun adventures, the lessons I learn, and the people I meet. But I also want to be open and vulnerable and share with you the challenges, fears, heartache, doubts, and hard lessons learned as well. Vulnerability is an area that I have grown in a lot through the last couple of years and continue to learn to embrace. So as I prepare for the Race, I will continue to give updates on fundraising, answer questions, and provide information about what I will be doing. But I will also be sharing lessons that I learn and things that God lays on my heart. So here we go. . .
I used to watch American Idol, but have not watched it or even thought about it in quite a few years. But, last week I was lying in bed scrolling on my phone and couldn’t help but notice a song that was being posted on Facebook over and over again. It was by Kelly Clarkson, the first American Idol. It was an emotional performance and the song had an incredible story. Here is the clip if you have no idea what I am talking about:
I have always loved music- listening to it and playing it. I especially love songs with stories and lyrics that I can relate to. As this song started, I was drawn in by Kelly’s talented voice. As I listened to the lyrics, I thought that she was talking about a stepfather or someone else who had stepped in to the father role. This I could relate to and could see myself in her story. As I listened and learned that it was about her husband, who helped change her perspective and see that a man could “be kind and a father could stay.” This again touched my heart and instead of relating to my now story, it gave me hope for my future story. As the week went on, I saw this song come up more and more on Facebook and I heard multiple people talking about it and the various ways they could relate.
That same week, I was listening to Pandora and on came “Good, Good, Father”- a favorite of mine. This song talks about the nature of God and who He is as a “Good Father” and who we are in that. This song touches my heart every time I hear it and is a good reminder of His love, who I am in that, and an important turning point in my faith walk a couple of summers ago (that’s for another blog..). These 2 songs playing so close together got me thinking and reflecting- as music always does. So below are just some thoughts that I had and have been on my heart all week.
Whether you have the best Father and greatest example of a Godly man here on Earth, have lost your Father but have the fond memories, have a father who was not a part of your life, or like me, didn’t have that example but had a man step up and take on that role, I just want you to know that you have a heavenly Father who loves you more than you can ever imagine. Here are just a few characteristics of this Father and His love:
-He loves you UNCONDITIONALLY. Seriously, there is nothing you can do that would change that. He will not walk away.
-You do not have to earn His love. He won’t just come around for what you can give Him. And actually, you CAN’T earn His love, so just rest in that. He’s in it for the good and the bad.
-His love provides answers that you can’t find here on Earth.
-He will not fail to provide.
-His love provides the example. Strive to love like Him. Seek a man who strives to love like Him.
-He has a plan for YOU. He wants what is best for you. He is your biggest fan-picture the loudest dad in the stands.
-He wants you to run to Him like a little child runs to their daddy. He wants you to seek Him when you have tears running down your face from heartache or from laughing too hard. He wants to take part in your trials and triumphs.
-That being said, He wants you to run to Him as you are. A little kid doesn’t make sure they have a bath and clean clothes before running up to their dad that they love. They run up to him with muddy, sticky hands and know that he will return a big bear hug. God wants you to run to him as you are. He will help clean up any mess and He will do it much better than you ever could.
-He will not break promises. You CAN take Him at His word.
-He created you. He loves you as you are. He sees a beautiful creation- try to look at yourself through His eyes.
-His love will change you. It will mold you and it will stretch you. It will challenge you to love harder and deeper here on Earth if you let it.
So, whatever your situation is here on Earth remember that your father in Heaven is there and He wants a relationship with you. Let that settle when you are discouraged or when you are experiencing joy. He is love and You are His child and loved by Him-rest in that promise.
UPDATES: I am over 5% funded for the race! (If you are a math whiz and looking at my bar up top…there are a few donations not registered on it yet. :)) THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the Adopt-A-Country fundraiser and to those who have donated outside of that. I went to check the status yesterday and was blown away by some unanticipated donations. Also, THANK YOU for all the prayers and encouraging words- they mean the world in this journey. God is faithful and He is working through all of you in this process! 🙂
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