When I first heard about the World Race: Gap Year, I told myself that it was just crazy and that it was definitely not going to be for me. Well… I sure was wrong! The day that I said this, I kept feeling this urge to just ask God about it, which is exactly what I did and at first I didn’t know how felt about His response.

The moment I heard God speak to me and say, “Oh, but my child, it is for you.” I knew that no matter how scared or how adamant I was about it, my Father was gonna get me there some how! 

I have been on plenty of mission trips, but never out of the country, so why would God want to send me out that far for so long?! I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m super pumped and excited now, but at first I questioned myself about it every day! Was it really what He wanted me to do? Why me?

A few years back, I could feel God calling me into ministry. I had absolutely no idea whether He was calling me into missions, worship ministry, so I prayed about it for a very very long time, and I finally got my answer! The fact that He has chosen ME is just awesome… pure AWESOMENESS.

Our God is so good and His word boldly points out that we, as disciples, I as a disciple am called to “preach the gospel to the nations” about who HE is and what HE has done for OUR lives, and I get to literally go OUT into the world and spread his love! 

Even though I am still nervous and think about if this is truly for me every now and then, I am extremely excited to join 50 other 18 year olds on this powerful journey to spread the gospel!!