training camp: a place where….


•you have no idea what day it is 

•bucket showers 

•back porch talks 

•rocking chairs 

•a lot of spiders 


•you learn that your body can actually hike 2.2 miles while carrying all of your stuff in 38 minutes 

•how your squad quickly becomes family 

•how to trust

•our need for community 

•feedback is BEAUTIFUL 

•creating space for our Papa is a must 

•expect Him to move in cool ways 

•actually calling in the Victory and walking in freedom is LIFE CHANGING 

•you are loved by Him 


In reality, it wasn’t training camp that taught me these things. It was the Lord opening my heart and eyes to who He is and who I am in Him.  

Yes, we slept in tents and hammocks for ten days, and had different field scenarios where we “lost” our packs for a day. We slept in the airport, community tents, and even shared tents with our squad mates, took bucket showers, and ate every meal together on the patio. (sometimes not knowing what we were eating) And encountered A LOT of spiders along the way. 

N squad went through a lot of the same things, yet how He is preparing us and the ways we have encountered Him are unique to who we are. 


So, here are just a few ways of how I encountered Him. 

Freedom • Trust • Fiercely Loved 




freedom from carrying the shame of lust around for years. 

freedom from fear of encountering the Holy Spirit. 

freedom from not feeling valued. 

freedom from the fear of being replaced. 

freedom from lies that have captured and distorted my identity in Christ. 



trusting my Creator. 

trust what He has entrusted me with. 

trust His word, the truth. 

trust His love. 


Fiercely Loved:

It was during worship before a night session on the empowerment of the Holy  Spirit. 

Standing there attempting to worship yet being plagued by anxiety and being overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with encountering the Lord. 


Why was I so afraid to encounter the Lord? 

In the middle of crying out to the Father asking Him to take the anxiety and to calm my fearful heart, I heard, “turn around and ask for prayer.” So I did. Turning around I see my teammate Jenny. 

Jenny aka Mama J, the kindest, most vulnerable, obedient daughter of Christ. 

She holds my arms and starts to pray.


Her prayer is my safe place with the Lord. A place I go to, and one that not many know about. As the tears fall and the fear/anxiety is taken away, He holds me. 

I am held by Him and I am safe. 

I am fiercely loved by our Creator, sitting at his feet in awe and wonder. And not afraid to encounter Him. 


My name is Suzanne Rinks and I am loved by the Lord and I am so in love with Him. 



There is more to come! Subscribe to my blog by simply clicking subscribe. I will post more before and during the race. If you have any questions about my experiences or want to know more about how to support me in fundraising you can reach me by email, text, or a call. 


Image may contain: 5 people, including Suzanne Rinks, people smiling, indoor


[email protected] 
