I embark on a journey this upcoming January 2019. This journey is called the World Race. It is a missions trip through the organization Adventures in Missions. I have the beautiful opportunity to take the Gospel to 11 countries in 11 months. Thrilled? Absolutely. Not because I get to travel the world, but because I get to share the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ. The part of the world I will be traveling to is known as the 10/40 Window. This window is often called “The Resistant Belt” and is home to a majority of people that have never heard of the Gospel. You can click on through this site to donate for my trip. I definitely could use your support and your prayers. Even if one person comes to Christ through this 11 month trip it would be absolutely worth everything. I am trusting God will do so much more and through the power of the Holy Spirit many will come to faith. Let me know if I can send you a letter or if you would personally like more info give me a call! Christ is it! 

Contact me: 423-290-7740

[email protected]