Manistry month!! The month I had dreaded the entire race and praying maybe it wouldn’t come at all. I dreaded the fact I would be away from Steve, my husband, for a whole month of ministry! We were suppose to do this thing together! I was frustrated because life for us on the race is fighting for our marriage every day! We don’t get to stay together in our own room most months and fighting for us time is something we have to be intentional about every day and now they are asking us to split up for a month! AHHH! I wanted to refuse with every bone in my body.  We agreed to do it and I prayed the weeks to come that God would give me perspective and help change my bad attitude. 

Steve and I got away the last few days of Thailand before moving into manistry. We both agreed it stunk but wanted to make the most of our time. I felt I had reached a crossroad of choice: I could choose to be moppy and upset and still have to be away from him or I could choose to make all I could of the time I had with the girls on my team and love what was in front of me. I decided to choose the happier option and God gave me comfort, joy, and peace that surpassed the whole circumstance. I did cry as Steve pulled away on the train and I was really sad.  I was left behind but it is okay to mourn and be sad but I couldn’t live in that sadness the whole month. I wanted to choose life and growth and God comforted my heart and helped me see the wonderful group of ladies right in front of me.

I choose to love my teammates and my ministry at St. Nicholas Home for the Blind. I was present every day and soaked in all the laughter, memories, and lessons of each day. I found myself missing Steve but it didn’t dictate my day and emotions. I was still me and doing what God wanted me to do in Malaysia and it was helping with the blind and loving my team. Steve and I got to call each other and share stories and encourage one another. Every conversation was so special and I loved that man more with each word he shared with me. I couldn’t wait to be in his arms again and be by his side but for now I was choosing to make the most of Manistry month. I have no regrets for that month and I honestly had a great time growing in the Lord, sharing God’s love, and growing in my team.  I survived manistry month and did it with a full heart. 

Life gives us crossroads where we have to choose how we are going to respond. Think about the crossroads you are facing right now in your life. How are you going to respond? Are you going to come out stronger on the other side or are you going to let the circumstance dictate you? Make a choice today my friends to choose the path that may not be the easiest but will grow you closer the Lord and refine you in a way you never thought possible. You won’t regret it!

My Teammates

This was my wonderful group of ladies I spent the whole month with! Love you girls more than words can say! Thank you for loving me well.