That is a question I ask myself as well because why would God call us to take a journey of traveling to 11 different countries for 11 different months. The only answer that makes sense for me is that I am called to go. I am called to serve the next 11 months in 11 different countries because He is preparing me for something BIG. He is growing me in ways that He wants me to experience on this mission. He wants to open my eyes to the world around me, and show me just how BIG HE IS!

On this trip I know God is going to let me see and experience so much. I know I will see healing, I know I will see rejoicing, I know I will see suffering, I know I will see people become free, I know I will experience crying and laughter…but when I pray, I asked the Lord what is it that you are trying to show me during this time..and my response is,

“ I am going to show you who I am.”

That's it? God I know who you are! You are Yahweh, Alpha and Omega…You are God!!!! But then I took a step back and realize that I know God, but this is an area that God is just preparing me to really know and understand just exactly who this God is. Not just as a head knowledge, but something that is engraved in my heart and soul.

I believe He will open my eyes and my heart to the fact He is the God of the Old and New Testament. He is the God that listens, He is the God that restores, He is the God that is ALIVE!!!!

God is good and He is faithful and I am excited to see How He grows me in this area, not just for me, but for my team as well. And how beautiful it will be..

Thank you for reading!

Stephie Johnson
