A blog that is like so many we see here on the World Race page, but I do want to write about two people that have meant so much to me.

If you have ever met me I am such a Daddy’s Girl. I would do anything to hear my dad say, “I am proud of you.” And trying to be the best daughter I could be I did hear those words so many times… academics, athletics, and over achievements…

I have many memories but I just ant to high light a few that always stood out to me…

1) When I was younger and going through a hard time with the family. I was young and had a hard time sleeping but my dad would read me poems… He read me this book so many times, even when it was awkward and maybe something he was not use to but because he loved me.. he read to me everyday.

2) My dad came to nearly every game of volleyball, basketball, and softball and I knew he was proud because he taught me well, and I did well. I was his pride and joy on the court, and when he looks back and remembers, I know I still am… because he loves me.]

3) Then the memories of hearing my dad laugh. Many people have told me that they love to hear me laugh, but my dad has such a joyous and amazing laugh that I miss hearing. We would watch movies together and spend time watching Simpsons, Sienfield, and Three Stooges and he watches them with me because he loves me.

Though my dad and I have had many disagreements, especially about this mission trip called the World Race, though we still might have some disagreements.. I know he is proud of me BECAUSE HE LOVES ME.

My dad is a simple dad, who had his ups and downs, his successes and failures. And he was the definition of the sports dad.

He was the dad that worked hard at a job that was not enjoyable, but he did it not because the pay was good, but because his pride and joy was his children that he was able to experience right when he clocked out…
He was that dad that always came to games because he was proud of his children and he wanted to share in those triumphs. He would take me to the park to play catch…I have loved those simple days, and I love looking in the movie listing and seeing what movie looks good, and then we would go out afterwards and talk about the movie, and I look forward to a movie in our near future….

And all this because he loves me and I love him.

Then there is another man that my dad would agree needs special recognition. A man who has been such an influence on my life from prayer, encouragement, and love, and it would be Pastor Paul.

This man has been there since I began this journey with the Lord. Challenging me to go deeper with the Lord and to be the best woman I can be. He would call me out and build me up. He would fight for me and he would let me learn some things on my own. Also, him and his wife both being there as I was going through a rough season. Each time patient and loving on me.

And this journey of faith has definitely had its ups and downs, but through it all he has always been there to let me know that he is praying for me, he loves me, and that he is proud of me.

The woman you see today is because the Lord has blessed me with these two men who love me and encourage me. These two have come so far to fight for me and to go to places to let me know they love me and that they are proud of me.

And I am so proud of the men that they are today and if either of you read this