Adoption reflects the gospel.
It’s all about a father, circling the globe and picking YOU to be his child. You’re grafted into a forever family. And your life will never be the same.
Jesus writes some pretty crazy stories, you know?
And it’s really cool that my job is to tell them.
In case you haven’t been following our story on Zi Ping, here’s the summary. (If you haven’t read it, at least skim if before you watch the video below.)
And if you didn’t know I was one of the Storytellers assigned to film the story, here’s all that info.
It’s because of stories that Jenn went on the Race in the first place.
And then she met Zi.
It’s because of hearing Zi’s story that Josh and Katie decided to adopt him.
And so they did.
It’s because of Zi’s story that they were able to raise the money.
And now, Zi’s home.
And because of YOU, because of your support, I had the absolute honor to take part in the process.
My fellow storyteller Emily Tuttle and I drove up to Newark to film Zi Ping’s arrival. I then edited the footage to tell this story. And now I’d like to share it with you.
Thank you for helping me be here. Thank you for helping me do what I feel I’ve been called to do. Thank you for helping me tell stories about how awesome our God is.