There are so many adventures to write about our travel week. We’ve made it safely to Bolivia and travel to our ministry sites tomorrow. Once I get all my pictures uploaded, I’ll blog about some of the fun things we’ve seen along the way (floating islands and busses crossing rivers on barges may be included.) For now, though, I’m just going to tell you about something the Lord did in my life as we sat on the bus.

In case you weren’t aware, the ENTIRE western half of Peru is desert. Which means about 40 hours of driving in nothing but sandy wilderness. I’m not going to lie, it gets kind of old. It’s also typical World Race culture to do overnight bus rides so we don’t have to pay for hostels. Therefore, there are many sleepless nights spent sitting up, crowded, and hungry. And sometimes, that makes for a very angry missionary.
I was sitting in my seat, at about 2am, really, really frustrated. I was freezing cold. I hadn’t slept and was ridiculously tired. I was sick. We hadn’t eaten. And we had 30 more hours on the bus. I looked out the window for what seemed like the 487th time, and saw nothing but WILDERNESS. I couldn’t sleep because I was sitting next to a guy that I didn’t know that well, and felt bad sleeping on him (haha.)
Looking back, it seems silly, but I started getting really emotional (probably due to lack of sleep), and may or may not have shed a few tears. Here’s how my conversation with God went at that moment.

Very Angry Missionary: God, come on. I’m here serving you. I’ve given like, everything up, and all I get for it is to be uncomfortable, sick, tired, and hungry. And to TOP IT ALL OFF we’ve been stuck in the desert for way too long. I need sleep.

God: Ah, yes, my dear, complaining in the wilderness. I know some other people that did that before. Ever read Exodus? Those who I had chosen to be my people and bring my light to the nations just weren’t happy with my provision and my presence. Kinda feels like now, huh?

Very Angry Missionary: …………ouch.

God: Don’t worry dear, I wasn’t chastising you, just remember that I have given you all that you need. Think of all I’ve done for you. Think of all you have to be thankful for at this very moment. And I have good news! The desert ends, I promise. Just wait. Oh, and P.S. stop complaining.

Somewhat Grumpy Missionary: Sigh, okay, You’re right. I’m still not super happy about this, but help me to have a better attitude, and if you decide to bless me with sleep so I’m not a bad word to my squad tomorrow, that would be awesome.

… Squadmate sitting next to me: Hey, I noticed you can’t sleep. Do you want me to sleep on the floor so you can have both seats and be a little more comfortable?

Somewhat Stunned Missionary: yy….yyes? thank you so much! (Hey God, I just got schooled in having a servant’s heart, didn’t I?)

God: Yes, dear. I love you. Enjoy your sleep. And praise me in the wilderness.