At the World Race, we're all about great stories –
both living them and sharing them to inspire others.
And here's our favorite part of the story – Zi Ping officially has a mom and dad!
God is writing amazing stories all around us, and we're all invited to share in them.
We have a team of storytellers here at Adventures in Missions who believe in the power of stories to move people to action — to move them to hope. They read our missionaries' blogs, they talk to Racers on the field, and they find great stories of how God is moving at home and around the world. They've dedicated this season of their lives to honoring Jesus by living and telling great stories like Zi Ping's.
We want to invite you to join the journey of Zi Ping's homecoming.
Zi Ping and his new parents are landing in Newark on Thursday, and we're sending two of our storytellers – Emily Tuttle and Stephanie Bernotas (that's me!) – to be there when they step off the plane. They'll be filming the family's arrival and telling the next chapter in this amazing story.

Tuttle and Bernie (as we're affectionately known around the office) will be live Tweeting, Facebooking, and Instagramming their road trip from Georgia to New Jersey. They'll be posting pictures from the road, videos, updates on Zi and his family, and ways you can get involved to help make more stories like this happen.