So, I've got a couple updates. And an apology to make. I have everything ready for my newsletters, but so much exciting stuff keeps happening that I feel like I have to update and wait! But I'm making it a priority to mail them out after training camp. And get excited, there are some goodies inside! 🙂
Travel Plans & Training Camps
My goodness, this is scary and exciting. I just got back from St. Louis for a Dub Squad wedding. The lovely Annee and Evan (both from our squad) got hitched, and we're beyond excited for them. It's been 11 months since we got home to the States, and God is doing amazing things in all our lives. Speaking of which, this week is TRAINING CAMP. As I type this, I'm waiting for my laundry (and my toenails) to dry and getting ready to go! We're beyond excited to welcome Q, R, S, and T Squads into their newest adventure.
At the October Training Camp, I had the privilege of being the photographer. This time, I get to train T Squad! I'm so excited and to be honest, humbled and a little terrified. Each squad has a team of 8 alumni assigned to them to guide them through the Training Camp process. Two squad leaders (who will join them for the first five months on the field), one squad mentor (their office contact that visits for debriefs), and 5 trainers. We get the awesome task of speaking into their lives, praying with them, living life with them, forming their teams (aahh!), facilitating activities, etc. Pray for us all – this is the start of something big that God is doing for many of our Racers.
Oh, and I also get to teach Storytelling this week, which is awesome.
Then! On June 2-5, we have a Marketing Retreat. We'll be going away to a cabin and getting a little rest in, but we'll also be strategizing for the next year. So many exciting things are happening. We're developing a Story Track for the CGA apprentices, developing new ideas for trips, starting an online magazine (fingers crossed), and more. So blessed to be a part of this team and use our gifts to bring the kingdom to earth.
Then! (Assuming Marketing approves, haha.) I will/may be leading two short term teams (one week each) to HAITI in late June. I haven't been there, so to lead a team of adults and then a team of youth to a place I've never been is a little daunting. But quite the privilege and adventure for sure!
Then! There are some Project Searchlights for Racers coming off the field scattered throughout the summer. But THEN! It's time for another Training Camp in July, and this time I'll be a SQUAD LEADER. Holy goodness that's crazy. So then I'll be traveling for 5 months, leading a squad to 2 continents and loving on them as they change the world. I love my job.
20 Grand
Yeah, I don't even know what to say about this. Besides that it may be, to date, the greatest way I've tangibly understood God's love, provision, plans, freedom, and gospel. No big deal or anything.
(And to think, just weeks ago I was freaking out about money. God is faithful.)
Here's my post from Facebook.
Needless to say, God's up to a lot right now. How good is he?!
Pray for strength, energy, wisdom beyond my years, and the Holy Spirit to rock some lives this week at Training Camp. It's the start of something so good and we're honored to be a part of it.